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STM/SDA Quotes Tracker January 2023

Date: 1/25/2023

Speaker: Official, Department of Commerce. In a meeting with Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves

Quote: "[SSA] representatives 'stressed the need for [Commerce] to work quickly to field the new capabilities — ideally by buying and redistributing existing commercial products — in order to maintain leadership in the face of competing SSA offerings from the EU and China.'"

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "EXCLUSIVE: Commerce's draft space traffic management service goes beyond DoD's baseline”

Date: 1/24/2023

Speaker: Air Vice Marshal Paul Godfrey, Commander, UK Space Command

Quote: [First priority is space domain awareness, the easiest problem to crack. Is potential threat actually a threat or just passing by? Need to arrange sensors to determine if actually use nefarious activities.]

Article/Events: NSSA 2023 Defense and Intelligence Space Conference

Date: 1/12/2023

Speaker: Col. Roy Rockwell, Deputy Chief Technology Innovation Officer, USSF

Quote: [We know ML/AI and other efforts are critical. We in DoD know it’s our industry partners who are investing significantly in these technologies we will be increasingly reliant and we want to partner with them. We are leveraging AI/ML to continue advantages in SDA, C2, missile guidance, PNT, object classification, and so on.]

Article/Events: DoD Digital Modernization Forum 2023

Date: 1/11/2023

Speaker: Chris Shank, Vice President and General Manager Air & Space Programs, MAXAR

Quote: [SDA, there are a lot of commercial providers bringing innovative ideas and approaches to it. I think this is where we’re going to be heading in the next couple years.]

Article/Events: NDIA State of the Space Industrial Base

Date: 1/9/2023

Speaker: Chiara Manfletti, Director and COO, Neuraspace

Quote: "You can’t address space traffic management specifically and sustainability at large by focusing on the end of the chain, meaning operators. Rather, you need to bring in space traffic management and sustainability at an early stage. We are doing this by evolving our product to address STM already during mission conception and design, by working with subsystem providers such as Ienai, and by working with a system integrator and operator like EnduroSat.”

Article/Events: Via Satellite "Neuraspace and European Partners Collaborate for In-Orbit Space Traffic Management Demonstration"

Date: 1/5/2023

Speaker: Rachel Zisk, Reporter, Payload

Quote: "Most of the tracking data we have now about objects in the space domain comes from ground-based sensors. As potentially tens of thousands of satellites enter Earth orbit in the coming decade, accurate SSA data and space traffic management (STM) tools will be essential for keeping the orbital environment clean and operable."

Article/Events: Payload "NorthStar Closes $35M Series C"

Date: 1/4/2023

Speaker: Joshua Hartman, President, GEOST, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space and Intelligence, former Professional Staffer, HAC and HASC

Quote: "To provide a capability affordably and quickly, the [SDA] architecture must immediately embrace hosted payloads as the core of the Space-based SDA construct."

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "It's time to rethink how to get the most out of a Space Domain Awareness architecture"

Date: 1/4/2023

Speaker: Joshua Hartman, President, GEOST, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space and Intelligence, former Professional Staffer, HAC and HASC

Quote: "Now is the time to recognize the gravity of the situation and move to affordably address several aspects of the current SDA architecture. The first step is to plan and deploy a coherent and integrated SDA construct. Only with such an architecture will the US be able to defend its space assets. The SDA systems used today were procured and fielded in a patchwork fashion and do not provide a coherent understanding of the environment. Few of today’s assets were intended to focus on the SDA mission."

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "It's time to rethink how to get the most out of a Space Domain Awareness architecture"

Date: 1/4/2023

Speaker: Joshua Hartman, President, GEOST, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space and Intelligence, former Professional Staffer, HAC and HASC

Quote: "The current SDA infrastructure simply does not address the evolving threat capabilities our potential adversaries have deployed, let alone the ones they are developing."

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "It's time to rethink how to get the most out of a Space Domain Awareness architecture"

Date: 1/3/2023

Speaker: Tristan Griffith, Manages Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), AFRL

Quote: "[Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Docking] RPOD maneuvers are absolutely relevant to SSA. In order to retain effective SSA, AFRL must continue developing RPOD technologies for orbital sustainment. Inspection, troubleshooting, and maintenance are all components of RPOD maneuvers relevant to SSA."

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "AFRL wants on-orbit servicing tech to enhance space monitoring, logistics"

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