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STM/SDA Quotes February 2023

Date: 2/28/2023

Speaker: Gen. James Dickinson, Commander, USSC

Quote: "The number of operational spacecraft and the growth of debris challenge our ability to maintain space domain awareness for operations. So to optimize our limited capabilities, we are leveraging dual-use and non-traditional capabilities across the joint force, as well as our allies and partners.”

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "SPACECOM expands allied, industry cooperation: Gen. Dickinson"

Date: 2/28/2023

Speaker: Gen. James Dickinson, Commander, USSC

Quote: “Two years ago, we had 124 [space] situational awareness data sharing agreements. Today, we have 169: 33 with nations and IGOs; 129 with commercial partners; and seven with academic institutions."

Article/Events: Breaking Defense "SPACECOM expands allied, industry cooperation: Gen. Dickinson"

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: National Space Council Emerging Technologies Subcommittee

Quote: [STM and SSA is a focus for the US, its allies and commercial actors. A trusted STM architecture for data collection, interoperability and insights is important to provide a safe and secure environment for private, civil, and NSS. We’re also focusing on space-based communication and compute for real-time connection, mission autonomy…]

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: “The Europeans are standing up a separate SSA system. I suspect we’ll see many other countries do the same. So, we’re going to live in a world where you as satellite operator probably will have two or three or four different choices. From our perspective, that’s slightly terrifying to me... different sensors, with different biases and running on different analytics, producing different results, and I don’t know how to compare any of that yet. That is a technical challenge, but also a political challenge. I acknowledge the right of other nations do what they want to have an SSA system. … But we also have a responsibility to figure out how we’re going to talk to each other to make this make sense.”

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: “China is a major space player and will be a major space player. They are not participating in the global dialogue, and in global information sharing on SSA. That’s unsustainable. The current way of communicating with China, which is by email and the occasionally tersely written démarche, is comically insufficient. And so, major problem.”

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: [We need to be able to speak with the same confidence in SSA that we do with air traffic control. We’ve still got a long way but we’re getting there. We have to be patient with ourselves but know it’s a journey we need to take.]

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: On STM pilot challenges [Because the current system isn’t meeting all the needs, commercial is providing different services. How do we come into this marketplace and not disrupt it entirely? That’s a challenge we’re struggling with now. We’re running pilots. We just completed one in GEO. LEO will be much more complicated. I think in GEO we’ll see commercial has incredible technology.]

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/23/2023

Speaker: Gen. David Thompson, Vice Chief of Space Operations, USSF

Quote: [For years now we have also used commercial data for SDA. Tracks for safety of flight, hazards, and recently the threats. This is primarily through data buys. USSC has a cell in CO Springs that’s focused on commercial data and using it to help us understand the domain.]

Article/Events: National Space Council Users' Advisory Group Meeting February 2023

Date: 2/22/2023

Speaker: Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF

Quote: [If you don’t have a theory then any force design looks good. When I talk about avoiding operational surprise I want to focus on sensors, SDA, detection.]

Article/Events: CSIS Theory of Success for the US Space Force

Date: 2/9/2023

Speaker: Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Chair, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation

Quote: [Office of Space Commerce; clear jurisdiction over space traffic management and space situation awareness. Time [to] fully authorize activities have office for clarity and acceleration of activities on area. Increased clarity on federal role authorizing, regulation space missions. Congress should establish clear roles and responsibilities. Federal government should work clear sets and guidelines like orbital debris management, collision avoidance, flight safety.]

Article/Events: 25th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference

Date: 2/9/2023

Speaker: Chirag Parikh, Executive Secretary, National Space Council

Quote: [...Many participants on space traffic management, saw great ideas early, saw implementation without resource…last year’s president’s budget provided resources. Takes time, but also takes authorities and growing the team.]

Article/Events: 25th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference

Date: 2/8/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: On GEO STM pilot "We wanted to do SSA in GEO with no government data and just answer the question, could we do it? I think the answer will be yes."

Article/Events: 25th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference

Date: 2/8/2023

Speaker: Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, Department of Commerce

Quote: [China is major player, but not sharing in meaningful way. Would not work in air traffic control not going to work in space traffic control.]

Article/Events: 25th Annual FAA Commercial Space Tran

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