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STM/SDA March 2023 Quotes

28 Mar 2023 Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, HAC-D Budget Hearing: FY24 Request for the USAF and USSF: [Important to remember it’s responsive space not just responsive launch. There are a lot of elements in it. On orbit SSA, we need to know what’s going on.]

27 Mar 2023 Col. Christopher Putman, Commander, SPACECENT, USSF, AFA Fireside Chat: [We do partner nation engagements. What are the off the shelf items readily available that they can purchase and buy and also we can help provide the knowledge. Space 100 was great but until we have something to work on. It’s PowerPoint deep. Whether it’s commercially available SSA so we can have a discussion on what’s going on in orbit with them, or them buying services from them, that’s all something tangible we can work with them on and build capacity.]

23 Mar 2023 Barbara Golf, Executive Agent for Space Domain Awareness, SSC, USSF, Women In Aerospace: Future Architectures: [Exploit, buy, build. SDA is an enormous problem set. For so many years we spent a lot of time on position and velocity. SDA is so much more than that. Just because we put the build focus on the program of record, it doesn’t mean we aren’t looking at the exploit, buy. We’re open to exploit, buy across the mission space. When you look at the scope of the mission set, there might be things that we put at the bottom out of habit. Show us what we put away out of bad habits. Instead of going after the bigs, there may be opportunities to help us with missions that are still important but we haven’t put enough attention to.]

14 Mar 2023 Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, SASC-SF Hearing: USSF in Review of DAR FY24 and FYDP: On gap in SDA [Balloon issue, that’s not where those radars were looking. That’s not our mission. MW and space surveillance. Those radars are really good at those jobs. Real challenge is how do I go to rapid assessment of that data those radars are bringing in? That’s my responsibility. We’ve got some work to do there. It’s more associated with latency of the data. We’re getting better and better.]

[Avoiding operational surprise, SDA, we’re investing heavily in new sensors, working with partners and investing in space C2 capabilities. I think we have good software investments. Resiliency piece is important and this budget invests in that.]

10 Mar 2023 Sarah Mineiro, CEO, Tanagra Enterprises, and former Staff Lead, HASC-SF, The Hill “The space surveillance network needs a commercial boost-now”: "With over 250,000 pieces of trackable debris in low-Earth orbit today — and growing exponentially — space domain awareness is a critical focus area for national security leaders. At its foundation is the U.S. space surveillance network, which identifies, catalogs, and notifies U.S. forces of space objects, satellite fly-over, and other technical intelligence. The catch is that it was built in the 1950s as a missile warning architecture, not for continuous tracking of space objects."

"To keep pace with growth, maintain our space superiority and increase our space domain awareness, the U.S. should increase the ability to have persistent comprehensive coverage of low-Earth orbit from various unexpected geographically dispersed locations, while also leveraging advances in artificial intelligence/machine learning and advanced cloud-based analytics."

"Commercial solutions are available now to augment the space surveillance network. Commercial services can also augment the government’s space domain awareness efforts with more comprehensive information that can be rapidly shared, unclassified or classified. Purchasing data from commercial radars is more budget-friendly than building and maintaining costly phased array radars. More coverage means more clarity."

09 Mar 2023 Gen. James Dickinson, Commander, USSC, SASC Hearing: USSTRATCOM and USSC DAR FY24 and FYDP: [I look at SDA and how we’re doing that today. We’re taking step to make sure we’re sensing around the world. We look at the assets and how we can pull them all into a comprehensive architecture and how we can improve upon it throughout the years. Second part of this is leveraging commercial companies. Through integration of nontraditional sensors and commercial sensors, we’re getting better at SDA but as congestion grows, we’ll need better capabilities.]

On unfunded priorities list [As I round out capabilities I need specifically SDA, we’re finding there are commercial partners who have those capabilities and we’re bringing that on board. Sometimes I can’t predict that in two-year cycles.]

[For SDA, that’s a critical capability that we continue to develop requirements… In Alaska there are two great sensors there. Another soon that will be a great asset. One sensor doesn’t do it all. We're figuring out where the gaps and seams are and how to get after the threat.]

[Satcom and SDA. Currently we have 10 commercial partners, traditional satcom providers, and in a cell in CO we have contractors providing SDA. Our allies and partners around the world want to participate in SDA and this is traditionally unclassified and there aren’t as many barriers.]

08 Mar 2023 Gen. James Dickinson, Commander, USSC, HASC-SF Hearing: FY24 Strategic Forces Posture: [My number one priority is improving SDA. As we look today and into the future, it’s becoming a bigger challenge. We have to have the capabilities to be able to see and characterize.]

[My top priority is to increase SDA through commercial integration and nontraditional assets like air and missile defense radars both maritime and ground based. We’re also looking at the transition with DoC. I think when you look at the size of how much it’s populated, we’ll need DoC to do civil. That will allow me to use the assets that I have. I’ll have a better opportunity to do better characterization of the space domain.]

07 Mar 2023 Kay Sears Vice President and General Manager, Space, Intelligence & Weapon Systems for Boeing Defense, Space & Security, 2023 AFA Warfare Symposium: On avoiding operational surprise [We underestimate the ability and agility of our threat. We think MEO will be our sanctuary, it’s not. We think p-LEO will be our sanctuary. It’s not. Operational surprise, it’s SDA but it’s also composed of so many elements within that. Sensors, tracking, processing with decision systems quickly. There’s a consistent evolution we have to have.]

07 Mar 2023 Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, 2023 AFA Warfare Symposium: On avoiding operational surprise [Ability to make sure we can understand what’s happening and identify bad behaviors. It’s an imperative. This requires an enhanced level of SDA. We’re investing in more sensors, decision support tools…. We’re exploring commercial capabilities and partnerships.]

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