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STM/SDA April 2023 Quotes

27 Apr Laura DeSimone, Executive Director, Missile Defense Agency, Potomac Officers Club 2023 Industrial Space Defense Summit: [Various areas of space collaboration…work closely with USSF, in services systems…with radars, space domain awareness, five locations throughout world… In development UEWR…supporting space domain awareness, space surveillance network sensors, space command and control…MDA prototypic space-based fire control SF, demos with Space Development Agency.]

27 Apr Col. Dan Visosky, Chief, Space Control Division, Space Programs Directorate [SAF/SQS], USSF, Potomac Officers Club 2023 Industrial Space Defense Summit: [Leveraging commercial with UDL, basically informs space domain awareness capabilities in the SF. Commercial side bring over and utilize, very important leverage those things.]

27 Apr Frank Calvelli, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration, USAF, Potomac Officers Club 2023 Industrial Space Defense Summit: On architecture change for SDA [Continue [with] Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (GSSAP), remains hallmark program…adding three new radar sites…upgrading [infrastructure] in US/Hawaii as part of ground based operational surveillance system (GBOSS)…working with Intelligence community…with…Silent Barker, on orbit space domain awareness, different capabilities there….]

[January 2022, SSC launched two new GSSAP satellites, bringing the total up to six now on orbit…enables USSF immediate and precise orbital predictions, detailed SDA.]

27 Apr John Hill, Deputy Assistant Secretary Space and Missile Defense, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, DoD, Potomac Officers Club 2023 Industrial Space Defense Summit: [NDS underscores the importance of working allies and partners…SDA and norms of responsibility behavior. SDA critically important foundational capability, builds on SSA understanding locations, trajectories, adds in information about specific capabilities of those objects in space and potential intentions...]

[It is a fact that China and Russia are developing counter space satellites and antisatellite missile…both actively developing cyber space tools…means developing cyber systems…space domain awareness integral our ability to protect and to attribute those acts...]

26 Apr Dr. John Plumb, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, DoD, HASC-STR Hearing: FY24 NSS Programs: [Having good SDA is essential not just for NSS but all space missions.]

26 Apr Frank Calvelli, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Space Acquisition and Integration, USAF, HASC-STR Hearing: FY24 NSS Programs: [We’re adding capabilities to SDA architecture. We’re transforming data transport. We’re collaborating with IC to design and operate proliferated systems. This will allow us to be more resilient.]

24 Apr Government Accountability Office, GAO Report: Space Situational Awareness: DOD Should Evaluate How It Can Use Commercial Data: “The Space Force’s Unified Data Library (UDL) is a cloud-based data repository designed to consolidate commercial and U.S. government SSA data, as well as data from other countries. The Space Force has deployed an initial operational version of the UDL and plans to further develop it; however, staff who monitor objects in space are not using it in daily SSA operations because it is not integrated into their operational systems.”

“Establishing a process to regularly identify and evaluate commercial SSA data would better position the Space Force to meet its growing need to identify and characterize space objects."

20 Apr Ed Zoiss, President for Space and Airborne Systems, L3Harris, Breaking Defense “Space Force awards L3Harris $145M to continue maintenance, upgrades for orbital tracking”: “Space domain awareness is rooted in data and having the right information at the right time, which is critical to warfighting operations in all domains. MOSSAIC advancements will improve current detection and tracking capabilities to better understand the location and behavior of objects in space.”

20 Apr Richard DalBello, Director, Office of Space Commerce, NOAA, 2023 Space Symposium: [I see in the future STM will be one of the costs of operating in the space. Government’s role could get quite small. Initially our assessment is that the government has to play a safety role and we have to offer some services for free.]

On limitations of current SSA system [We want to stand up a completely unclassified data system. We have to move to a world where there’s more transparency, where everyone is and we should be able to reshare that. Next couple months we’ll begin a series of dialogs with industry.]

On setting up SSA [We’re making great progress. We got together and talked about how this would happen. There are a lot of complicated issues to consider. We did a MoA between OSC and DoD. We have working groups. Fundamental building block is that we have a great relationship. What we’re doing is difficult but bottom line the partnership is strong.]

On timeline for initial SSA capability [2024 we should be up and running. Not the full system but we’ll be up and running. It’s going to be a while and a gradual transition. There’s going to be a sensible transition. There might be a period where we’re running two systems in parallel. It’ll be a gradual transition.]

[Concern is there’s a commercial SSA industry that exists. Government wants to provide a free service but government also doesn’t want to put people out of business. We know there are things we should do and then there are things we don’t want to do. What we try to do is say tell us where you think that line is.]

20 Apr Travis Langster, Principal Director, Space and Missile Defense Policy, DoD 2023 Space Symposium: [We are getting after SDA. Being able to get as close as we can to understand intent, being able to respond… I would count it as maybe not a technology difference but a difference in use case and applications.]

[Having DalBello in this position is really exciting. His experience is refreshing. DoD we provide SSA through and SSA sharing agreements. Richard continues to build his team out. It’s very technical right now but we’re on a great path forward.]

On limitations of current SSA system [DoD system, there are constraints, no fail type missions. That has caused us to update the systems. Space flight safety for commercial and civil does not require a military system.]

19 Apr Dr. Matthew Daniels, Assistant Director for Space Security & Special Projects, OSTP, 2023 Space Symposium: [SSA is ultimately essential for safe and successful space operations in all orbits including cislunar. We will continue to share SSA information and ultimately share SSA information to all space operators. We envision a civilian open data platform.]

19 Apr Dr. Lindsay Millard, Principal Director for Space, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, DoD, 2023 Space Symposium: On 18th and 19th Space Defense Squadrons [These activities contribute not only to safety but transparency. DoC role is expanding. As they take over some SSA and STM, DoD will continue to support.]

[Department fully supports these objectives. What does that mean for DoD? We hope we can play a role in SSA. We’ve talked about SSA for a very long time and it’s not just about sensors. It’s about autonomy, spacecraft design, new propulsion systems, and everything that enables our new S&T look. We expect this to be a larger area where DoD can contribute.]

19 Apr Hon. Don Graves, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Department of Commerce, 2023 Space Symposium: [Congress recognizes that this is a priority as well and we received a huge increase in funding for this. One is for SSA/STM. We are working to provide SSA data and services. Funding came with a deadline of Sept 2024. We’re working hard to meet that deadline. We rebranded to TRCSS, traffic coordination system for space. We also established a Space Operations Division. We’re going to collaborate with industry to the maximum extent possible. SSA is absolutely crucial and we continue to have engagements with industry.]

19 Apr Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, USSF, 2023 Space Symposium: [We’re monitoring the domain, making sure there are no collisions, we’re going to have to have great SDA capabilities like sensors, bringing data together and getting it to the decision maker.]

[We expect next year to have a lot more launches. 18th Space Surveillance Squadron, we’re able to take things quickly from the lab and operationalize them for SDA capability. We’re really working together.]

19 Apr Dr. Andy Williams, Deputy Technology Executive Officer for Space, AFRL, 2023 Space Symposium: On AI/ML [We know there will be applications in tactical ISR, SDA… There isn’t really an application that doesn’t involve AI/ML mainly because of the workload.]

19 Apr Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, 2023 Space Symposium: [Trend lines continue to show the slope of change is moving exponentially up…. New era includes increased SSA. New era includes the need to increase transparency…]

18 Apr Hon. Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, DoD 2023 Space Symposium: [We’re working to share information with our allies and partners. They provide global access and accurate data. They can provide records of war crimes and atrocities as we have seen in Ukraine. We’re working together in ISR, SSA, rapid launch, and potentially other efforts.]

18 Apr Dr. Chris Scolese, Director, NRO, 2023 Space Symposium: [We’re working with SF and other military services to help deliver reliable GMTI systems at speed. We’re delivering this critical capability with our friends at SF. We’re also working with SF to improve SSA.]

18 Apr Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, USSF, 2023 Space Symposium: On theory of success [Avoiding operational surprise, that’s space domain awareness…sharing SDA data attribute across coalition, maintain custody, how attribute, making opportunity to decide…Sovereign options to work on own is important all.]

18 Apr Col. (Ret.) Pam Melroy, Deputy Administrator, NASA, 2023 Space Symposium: [We're focusing on space traffic management (STM) and space domain awareness (SDA) to maintain a safe and secure space environment for all nations and commercial entities operating in space.]

18 Apr Maj. Gen. David Miller, Director of Operations, Training, and Force Development, USSC, HASC- Strategic Forces Hearing: FY24 BR and Missile Defense and Missile Defeat Programs: [Integrated Missile Warning and SDA, global persistence space domain missile warning and missile tracking…global sensor manager…required…execute DoD Missile Warning sensors…direct result of USSPACECOM as global sensor manager…significantly enhancing Joint Forces effectiveness…]

[Relationship with USSPACECOM with commercial industry has typically started in SATCOM, seen recent years expand into other mission sets…space domain awareness area. Leverage commercial sensors on scales not anticipated to fill in gaps, synchronization integration more accuracy seen in SDA….]

[Commercial Integration Cell at Vandenberg…commercial to go and partner with us. SDA number of capabilities provide varied…exquisite also increased capacity…our interface for that is commercial integration cell. Also, learned on safety of flight, awareness of threats on orbit…see transition to Department of Commerce, civil function and being able to repurpose guardians at Vandenberg for operational [capacity]…both get out of commercial enterprise also exploring new technologies.

On SDA and leveraging commercial [Main effort focused on non-traditional sensors…not purpose built mission defense…sensors/capability to provide unique capability on one head unique capabilities also looked at commercial sector advanced algorithms and tools risk threats or any flight concerns see…using unclassified means to do this…see a lot of productivity…]

18 Apr Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, SAC-D Hearing: Review of the FY24 PBR for USAF and USSF: [We’re working on a transformational force design analysis so we can maximize our budget for MW, SDA, communication, navigation systems.]

14 Apr Joshua Hartman, Chief of Strategy and Growth Officer, LightRidge Solutions, C4ISRNET “Space domain awareness, protection requires more space-based systems”: "Meeting the goal of achieving space domain awareness and protect-and-defend mission capabilities by 2026, as publicly called for by senior U.S. Space Force officials, requires rapid acceptance of products and services that are available today."

"While the availability of low-cost ground-based systems remains an important component, space-based domain awareness systems are increasingly vital. Investment in low-cost, space-based systems using rapid acquisition processes will create architectural coherency and take advantage of technology advances to satisfy the call to action for protection of U.S., allied and commercial space assets."

"In the future, we should expect the trends of affordability, access to space, agile business models and new concepts of operations to continue. We have an immediate opportunity to transform the nation’s space domain awareness capability, accelerating the timeline called for by U.S. Space Force leaders."

11 Apr Jeremy Leader, Director, Commercial Services Office (COSMO), SSC, USSF, AFCEA LA Chapter: [Number two [priority], maintaining and transitioning SDA marketplace. Barb Golf and those folks at SSC did a great job at utilizing the data in the marketplace. DoC is using this for STM.

07 Apr Brig. Gen. Anthony Mastalir, Head of Space Forces Indo-Pacific, USSF, Breaking Defense “‘Absolutely critical’ to get DARC space situational system to Australia: Space Forces Indo-Pacific head”: “When you look at a place like Australia as a landmass, you have a lot of opportunity to contribute to that space picture. The Australians, the defense Space Command folks and the acquisition arms, they absolutely understand that, so they’re moving aggressively to embrace some of these opportunities and bring systems like DARC — deep space radar capability — here on the continent.”

06 Apr Lt. Gen. Phillip Garrant, Deputy Chief of Space Operations, Strategy, Plans, Programs, and Requirements, USSF, Mitchell Institute Aerospace Nation: [For SDA, the problem is getting greater and more complex…. It’s a really critical part of our budget investment. Over 100$M toward SSA and the next step is SDA.]

On SDA gaps and investments [DARC is a program we’re working with international partners on the same as ground-based scopes. We’re working together. We’re working on international partnerships. Nations want to know how they can help. It gets to part of the world where we might not have access geologically already….]

05 Apr Dr. Lisa Costa, SES, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, USSF, Mitchell Institute 2nd Annual Spacepower Security Forum: [Recently Gen Saltzman, theory of success, linchpin of that is competitive endurance. Three part. 1) Avoid operational surprise. We need exquisite space domain awareness. Interesting dichotomy talking about putting assets into space that are not exquisite…Have to understand that’s the environment…really good at understanding limitations.]

[Space Force smallest services with largest area of responsibility…more assets going up, need more exquisite Space Domain awareness…]

05 Apr Brig. Gen. Timothy Sejba, Program Executive Officer, SSC, USSF, Mitchell Institute 2nd Annual Spacepower Security Forum: [Key to space superiority, is space domain awareness. From ground perspective, today’s systems capable. Based off of force design done by SWAC and SSDP. As field capabilities, also look at a lot of legacy capabilities. One of challenges have exquisite capability on ground, haven’t’ caught up with data transport…how do we modernize legacy capability have today? How do we use force design to look at a lot of the space capabilities that we seen?]

05 Apr Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations, USSF, Mitchell Institute 2nd Annual Spacepower Security Forum: On JADC2 [Got to get to next level of detail. Key technology…everything department doing aligning with this is ABMS with transport layer…umbrella concept of JADC2…Going to work together as bring capabilities together…about our space domain awareness, fusion to support decision support tools. Moves data to where needs to be…]

On BMC3 [Break down essence, multi-domain command and control effort…it’s gaining and maintaining SSA, ability to make operational relevant decisions.]

05 Apr Maj. Gen. David Miller, Director of Operations, Training and Force Development, USSC, Mitchell Institute 2nd Annual Spacepower Security Forum: On commercial SDA data [Absolutely rely on joint commercial and operations on USSPACECOMAND, integrated, many systems bring together. Best athlete competition, based off need…using terrestrial based sensors, location does matter. Debris importance of capability to get after…get updates…able to measure those against what we have on classified realm...Coherence brings two together and also bring coherence of battel management not just what but so what…have to have system providing that on-orbit.]

[Space domain awareness capability. Got to work with NATO to get that done. I do think in place where, allies establishment services, battle wave forum likeminded nations...]

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