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Rep. Abigail Spanberger, Brookings Institute The US Congress and National Security

17 April 2023

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), HPSCI



Q- What is the state of US intelligence today?

Overall state is very strong. We have agencies focused on collecting and analyzing information and the information they provide is incredibly valuable. Not just in facts and information but also to understand the challenges, opportunities. There are incredible people involved.

On Ukraine

Q- What did the IC get right and wrong in terms of Ukraine?

This was before I was on HPSCI but members were getting several briefings. On the foreign affairs committee we were getting a lot of briefing. I think it’s extraordinary in term of what the administration released. I think it helped get ahead of Putin creating a false narrative. I helped get our partners and allies to understand how close we were to seeing them invade Ukraine. Every briefing I was in, it was clear this would happen it was more a matter of when. What was wrong? I would say believing that this would be quick.

On IC oversight

Q- What does good oversight of the IC look like? Do you think the community is aligned on this?

Whether or not they’re aligned, I think the answer is yes. They may not like that but I think good oversight means that we’re pushing back and asking questions and I think in a healthy oversight standpoint we’re asking these questions because we want them to be the best.

On competition with China

Q- What can the US do here at home to enhance our ability to compete?

Diversification. We need to take a strong stance. China is making a lot of investments. Policy makers want to talk about this but we also need to look at what we’re doing in terms of our dollars. How are we helping American companies diversify?... If we’re going to say we have a competition with China, we need to think about ‘ok we’ll do this.’ We can’t go on and on about China and have no ‘ok here’s what we’ll do.’ …. We need to look at strength in investments and partnerships around the world.

On new China committee

Q- What are your hopes for the new committee on competition with China?

There are very thoughtful members on this committee. It’s not intended to be a lightening rode committee. I hope they will look at US competitiveness through the lens of, we see what China is doing on the world stage, what is the US doing? I think this committee is doing important work.

On successful relationship with China

Q- What would success look like in terms of a bilateral relationship with China?

We want to be a partner of choice and a world leader so when there are companies that are the receiving end of Chinese investments, they aren’t doubting whether or not they have to choose between the US and China. We create this by making sure we build up resiliencies in our supply chains so we don’t have worries that we’re facing any challenges because China is the sole provider of X. We don’t want to be in a constant back and forth. There will always be competition in the world be we want it to be in a healthy, stable place.


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