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Plumb, Shyu, Dickinson, Burt, Scolese, et. al., Space Symposium 2023 Day 1

18 April 2023

Gen. James Dickinson, Commander, USSC

On integration of space cyber and special operations capabilities

Integrating different capabilities and concepts to create a synergistic triad that leverages the strengths of each component…You can imagine that the Synergy that you can develop from that by having those different capabilities Concepts and coming together in one Triad that's able to leverage the strengths of each for the betterment of the many….The second part of integration describes a scalable framework for preserving freedom of action in the space domain and so this is how we get after how do we not only provide resiliency for ourselves but also be able to hold competitors at risk and this is really where we look at the three segments of a space system the ground system which can control the space segment which consists of the physical domain the spacecraft itself and all the orbits that they Traverse and then the link segment comprises the signals frequencies and bandwidth and the electromatic magnetic spectrum that tether ground and space segments freedom of action in the space domain.

On Space Domain

It is crucial to preserve the freedom of action in the space domain and the three segments of a space system, including the ground system, the space segment, and the link segment…Requires access to all three of these segments huge effort and one that requires close coordination with a Joint Force our allies and our partners so the third Triad is space commands established joint combined and partnered approach and I think that really is almost self-explanatory when we talk about how important it is that we communicate support and work with the Joint Force as well as the combined force and our commercial partners…Freedom of action in the space domain requires access to all three of these segments huge effort and one that requires close coordination with a Joint Force our allies and our partners.

On Joint Force and Partnership:

Space Command's established joint combined and partnered approach…We look at that as a team of teams working together and then finally you see in the center their Mission command. So with all of this how do you tie that all together how do you empower the warfighters that are within those triangles that creates an environment of disciplined initiative and decentralized execution…So speaking of the joint combined and partnered approach I want to give you a few examples just to highlight what we're doing quite frankly with our allies and partners today: We have $169 space situation we have 33 nations in international organizations, 129 commercial companies, plus seven universities, and Joint integrated space teams that I mentioned earlier and all 10 combat commands where each of the combatants in their respective headquarters that do operations intelligence work…As well as planning and we have seen those teams grow in competence capacity and making a contribution not only to us at us space command but the respective combatant commands where they are signed our energy…We're also working very closely with the Department of Commerce that helps us do the planning so that they are able to stand up a space Transit traffic Management Service and we look forward to that will be working with them this week.

On Mission Command

Mission command really creates an environment disciplined initiative and decentralized execution.

On Dynamic space operations.

We ensure that our satellites that we have the ability or more importantly are not constrained by some of the limited resources that we currently have on these satellites…Examples of that would be battery life maybe fuel or some other things but it's important as we do in other domains with respect to operations that we don't limit ourselves by those types of resources that we have the ability to plan as we need to do the operations so that's something I do believe my Deputy Commander John Shaw will talk a little bit about this, but this is absolutely a concept that we're looking at very very closely and it will be very important as we look to the Future in terms of how do we do our protect and defend mission.

On Future Competitors and Developing Capabilities

We just need all be aware of that they're continuing to develop those types of capabilities that potentially could hold our assets at risk so we do that each and every day in US space command…One of my priorities is understanding the competition was captured or observed and recorded by one of our commercial partners that we work closely with in our jco and so that just demonstrates to me the importance of the commercial Partnerships that we have…Using our capabilities to maintain stability and Security in space depends upon our greatest asset which is our people our greatest weapon system is our people and really I'm very proud of the opportunity to command this great organization.


Col. (Ret.) Pam Melroy,

On National Security and Space Force

National security is of paramount importance. We're working to ensure the United States remains a leader in space, and the establishment of the Space Force is a testament to that commitment.

On Space Traffic Management and Space Domain Awareness We're focusing on space traffic management (STM) and space domain awareness (SDA) to maintain a safe and secure space environment for all nations and commercial entities operating in space.

On Cislunar Space Development Cislunar space is the next frontier for human exploration. It's the gateway to our future in the solar system, and we must work together with our international partners and the private sector to establish a sustainable presence there. This will allow us to learn, grow, and create new opportunities for generations to come…We're really at a historical pivot point; industry has proven its ability to do things that once were the province of governments, and it's now extending our space economy from low Earth orbit all the way to cislunar space…Our goal is to create a blueprint for sustained human presence and exploration throughout the solar system. Having a blueprint allows us to have a repeatable approach to going out into the solar system, so this will essentially serve for us as a decadal survey for human spaceflight.

On Collaboration with International Partners and the Private Sector

We're going together, and we're also going with public-private partnerships with industry. Today, I'm talking about the next phase of our plans….By focusing on these objectives and working together with our international partners and the private sector, we can achieve a sustainable human presence in space and explore the vast wonders of the solar system.


Dr. John Plumb, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, DoD

On Confirmation of China as the Pacing Challenge in Space

At its core, we found two main themes: The first is the confirmation that China is the Department's pacing challenge in space is fast…Conflict with China is not inevitable; conflict in space is not inevitable. We have agency and responsibility in how we proceed, and it is quite literally the Department's job to deter conflict both now and in the future…China is not only developing systems to kill our satellites, it is building a wartime military conflict…China's goal is clear – to use space to challenge the US military's ability to intervene in a regional conflict in the Indo-Pacific…The department is focused on China we seen that play out in space but I want to make something very clear conflict with China is not inevitable conflict in space is not inevitable we have agency and we have responsibility and how we proceed.

On Space Threats

Space threats do not only affect the US and we do not need to take them all alone... Cooperation broadens the number of systems available for space operations and it expands our options for diplomatic or military response.

On Normalizing Space as an Operational Domain

The second main theme is specifically how can we continue to deter conflict in space... it is time to normalize space as an operational domain…Today's space is becoming increasing number of civil craft, military craft, and commercial craft in space….For DOD, adjusting to this new environment means coming to terms with the fact that we can no longer default to large, exquisite space systems... and it means we can no longer classify space-related information to the point that it limits our ability to operate with allies and partners…To normalize space as an operational domain, we need to provide a frame of reference for our National Security leaders who have spent most of their careers after all until very recently space has only been the Dominion of just a handful of Nations.

On Resilience and Defense of Space Systems

The Department of Defense will protect and defend our national security interests in space…Resilience must be applied across our whole architecture to include the ground and link segments... but the truth is resilience alone is not a panacea; it cannot fix everything…We are developing and fielding a range of solutions across all domains to ensure we can protect the Joint Force if necessary…The Space Force is working hard to develop and execute and there's now broad understanding that resilience goes well beyond just satellites themselves.

On Strengthening International Space Partnerships

To normalize space as an operational domain, we need to work more closely together on space…Cooperation with like-minded nations contributes to our collective ability to deter aggression…My office is drafting a new international space cooperation strategy... this strategy will help focus our international engagements on space to achieve meaningful results.

On Collaboration with the Commercial Space Industry

The commercial space industry is a major driver of economic growth and innovation and is making significant contributions to national security and crisis collaboration…Collaboration with commercial space to leverage technological advancement and the entrepreneurial spirit those industries have to enable new capabilities…The department has recently kicked off a series of efforts to chart a path forward for partnering more closely with the commercial space industry... our goal is to help streamline the Department's ability…Commercial space is increasingly benefiting the lives of people around the world on a daily basis and it is making significant contributions to National Security…We are engaging with companies and US Government stakeholders to understand the obstacles our industry partners face including security concerns and to identify any policy or legal challenges with changes that might be helpful that could address them.

On international space cooperation

We are developing a new international space cooperation strategy that would be only the second in the Department of Defense history. This strategy will help focus our international engagements on space to achieve meaningful results, including in areas like resilience and interoperability.


Dr. Chris Scolese, Director, NRO

On innovation:

Innovation is a part of our DNA. We’re building the most proliferated ISR architecture today. We’re putting new capabilities on orbit, on the ground, and everything in between. We implement AI/ML into everything we do.

On proliferated architecture

We’ve proliferated our architecture building the most resilient, diverse architecture we’ve seen in our history. This architecture will deliver more and be composed of a mix of government and commercial systems. We’re building resilience across the enterprise.

On relationships

We’re strengthening relationships with international partners, within IC and DoD. We’re working with industry to deliver intel even faster.

On fourth focus area- innovative commercial electrooptical capabilities.

This market continues to expand, and we want to be able to use these. We will release an RFP this fall. These investments are already beginning to pay off.

On space domain threats:

Our competitors are developing weapons to interfere with our satellites. This includes cyber intrusions and cyber-attacks. We’re seeing rapid investment advancements in the space domain from competitors in about every area. China’s commercial space sector is on pace to become a major global competitor

On modernizing:

To ensure we can continue to operate in a heightened threat environment, we’re modernizing to expand our capabilities and becoming more fast and agile. We’re increasing automation, ML, so we can operate at the speed of machines so we can deliver the right information at the right time and at the right speed to the right person.

On automation and ML:

Focuses on the what and where so humans can focus on the why. We’re collectively thinking differently. How we task, collect, and disseminate information for example. We’re increased the quality and quantity of the data we manage but it’s not enough. We have to manage it effectively and quickly. This way we can deliver timely ISR.

On ground infrastructure:

We’re continuing to invest in tools. We’re delivering significant new ground capabilities. Just like any other critical infrastructure, space requires cyber defense. We’re concerned about software supply chain attacks. We need to invest more in protecting. We must jointly focus our efforts.

On partnerships:

We can’t solve today’s challenges alone. We work with partners to identify the best ways to serve the American people. One of our most critical partnerships is with SF. Our relationship with SF has only grown stronger. NRO and SF are working hand in hand to shape the future of tracking. We’re working with SF and other military services to help deliver reliable GMTI systems at speed. We’re delivering this critical capability with our friends at SF. We’re also working with SF to improve SSA. These joint efforts are just a few examples.

On Ukraine:

NRO systems have provided vital support to our partners in Europe. We’re also establishing new partnerships. Industry continues to play a critical role in ISR.

On industry

We at NRO are doing our part to integrate these crucial capabilities into our organization. BAA program, announcement today is just the latest example of this fast AQ approach. It’s designed to have low barriers of entry so we can cast the widest net possible to industry. Commercial continues to advance. We have several providers. It demonstrates our commitment.


Gives us access to nontraditional developers. Past 25 years, DII has fielded thousands of proposals.

On workforce

We’re investing heavily in recruiting and retaining. Diversity will continue to be a strength. We’re proud of our internship program. We’ve hired over 20 interns into NRO.

On pushing boundaries

We have a long history of pushing boundaries. With each new advancement of ISR tech, we’re decreasing the time to get intel where it’s needed.


Hon. Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering, DoD

On space as a domain and US leadership:

Space is foundational to the joint force. It provides critical capabilities. Space increases the effectiveness of operation in all the other domains. Our superiority in space has provided unprecedented ISR, PNT…

On adversaries:

Our adversaries are looking to defeat our space capabilities. They are rapidly fielding and investing.

On strategic lines of efforts:

We’re focusing on three lines. First, joint mission. We’re identifying prototypes to conduct joint experimentation. We’re addressing the capabilities needed. We collaborate closely with allies and partners to co develop important capabilities.

Second, we’re creating and fielding capabilities at speed and scale. We have monthly update briefings to SecDef.

Third, recruiting, retaining, and cultivating talent.

On hybrid architecture and current efforts:

Our hybrid architecture in space of proliferated constellations provides a much-needed resilience. We’re focused on enhancing and reconfiguring capabilities. We’re advancing technologies to be able to observe objects through different parts of the spectrum. We’re developing systems that can work through different bands and paths and provide redundancy. Alternative PNT, we’re providing low-cost alternative sources to GPS. Novel orbits, we’re looking to reduce size, weight, and power requirements for satellites. We’re creating the most advanced radiation hardened chips. We’re leveraging research, AI autonomy to improve efficiency. We’re helping the launch market. Affordable launch was unimaginable twenty years ago. Now there are companies dramatically reducing the cost and timeline. Rapid and affordable launch is becoming a reality.

On commercial investments:

Commercial investments have completely changed the paradigm. This combined with their diverse ideas and ability to take risks, they can develop incredible capabilities. This is clearly an area our adversaries are behind in.

On allies and partners and info sharing:

We’re working to share information with our allies and partners. They provide global access and accurate data. They can provide records of war crimes and atrocities as we have seen in Ukraine. We’re working together in ISR, SSA, rapid launch, and potentially other efforts.

On competitiveness:

We cannot maintain competitiveness by relying strictly on DoD. This does not mean DoD is not providing innovation. But we need to rapidly demonstrate the capability. Our success and competitive edge will enable the US to maintain its advantage in space. We need to collaborate and work together to make sure space remains a safe and available domain for all.


Panel on International Military Collaboration

Moderator: Kelly Seybolt, Deputy Undersecretary AF, International Affairs


LGen Eric Kenny, Commander, Royal Canadian Air Force

MGen Philippe Adam, FRA-AF, Space Commander Air and Space Force

Gen Hiroaki Uchikura, Chief of Staff, Japan Air Self-Defense Force

Lt. Gen Luca Goretti, Chief of Staff, Italian Air Force.

Gen David J Julazadeh, USAF, NATO

AVM Paul Godfrey, OBE, RAF, UK

Lt. Gen DeAnna Burt, Commander, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, USSF


Lessons from Ukraine in terms of International Military Collaboration:

Q: Focusing on Ukraine, space enabled capabilities more important than have been…weather, communications…How do we get after that in a contested environment? Need to be able to protect and defend space domain…actions by all of us, have allowed Ukraine to be successful?

Gen Kenny: What has Canada done…work with commercial industry partners. Resiliency and redundancy comes with using industry with space based effects. Working with Canadian Space Agency…radar sate constellation mission satellites…critical ground based ISR satellites to Ukraine…working at different locations…feeding back allies…near real time data…Close relationship need to have with industry…showcases potential view by adversaries of dual use…won’t really distinguish what is commercial and military…how do we get after that.

European defense and space strategy

Q: Sanctions and arms supply, publication of proposal European defense and space security strategy?

MGen Adam: …welcome materializes collective awareness of challenges…in domain becoming more and more critical of our strategies…expected to crystallize efforts and foster cooperation…share, pulling ideas…make things easier. All member states together facing challenge and short time deliver…transition from European Defense to a more pragmatic defense of Europe as a continent and of Europe and interests

Italy defense strategy

Q: Italy, released defense strategy last year…growing competitions, freedom of Actions…?

Lt. Gen Goretti: Released Defense strategy on Space Feb 2022…we forced to review and see if what we wrote on defense strategy was vital…Found out, can be vulnerable on space infrastructure…received cyber-attacks…face situations have to confront ourselves to see if can manage situation. Unique opportunity…Need to protect free space…have to stress possibility to protect our capability…autonomously but also do interoperability and cooperation with other partners. Can not do it by ourselves…consider this possibility amongst all partners, share our knowledge…in order to protect and keep space free…

National Security Strategies and Actions Following

Q: National security strategy, national defense strategy, defense buildup documents…newly appointed role. How will these strategic documents implement direction taken?

Gen Uchikura: Focusing on opponent capability, so opponent will not have intention to invade in the first place. No single nation alone can secure space capability on its own…thinking of current security…most embody fundamental reinforcement of difference capability based on strategy and plan…need to further promote reinforcement of cooperation of like minded countries of Japan/US alliance…usage of private asset is already common in many countries…wide spectrum of functionality…Japan needs to actively promote activation of private and commercial satellites…project unique we need to consider conducting mission assurance against threat…have established space domain awareness posture since last month…government/private cooperation including infrastructure and information sharing.


Q: NATO, cited Ukraine in announcing plan to ensure intelligence data…initiative?

Gen Julazadeh: Welcome Finland, look forward to welcoming Sweden to NATO…Russia’s invasion, need to have clear picture cyber, maritime, sea…space domain provides eagles eye view across battlefield…Many commercial entities can provide cost effective scale solutions...APSS initiative, space based assets to collect and deliver ISSR data, national and commercial…this capability will provide alliance faster access to intel, integrate space based data into NATO intel system…18 participating nations provide additional funding…turn into common funded…still at beginning of process…working through development of capability alignment with space policy…APSS compliment strategic space situational awareness system…

UK lessons learned

Q: U.K. lessons learned? Assets in space…?

AVM Godfrey: UK two prime areas, what learning Ukraine 1) In terms of ISR 2) other in satcom. Ukraine, I think, commercial ISR, Ukraine has been game changer…defend against false narrative. Do not underestimate…fact unclassified images put out. SATCOM perspective go to STARLINK…UK space operations Ballistic missile early warning node…communications areas…cyber-attacks and so on…proliferated LEO…more interested cyber and jamming attacks that have been against STARLINK and how resilient they have been as well. Final point, has started conversation use of commercial companies on whether they are participating in war scenarios are they targets…shipping commercial shipping to troops being around…not new, but sparked conversation...

Protecting ground networks

Q: Need to defend and protect ground networks…obvious early, how best prepare US and space personnel?

Maj Gen DeAnna Burt: Conflict in Ukraine taught us a few things: 1) Space is pivotal to way live and way we fight 2) Cyber-attacks; no space zeros without ones and zeros…equipment is not enough…adversary highly skilled and operators to execute use equipment. Lastly, partners matter…so powerful as a group and how we fight. Talk about cyber security, saw Russians attack, right out of gate…if attacked new could pivot. The way need to fight that as talk about USSF, and that includes cyber. How do we get highly skilled trained operators, and defend shared networks as go forward…relationships on top of that how sharing cyber threat information all looking at ways…build individually as unique systems…how continue to fight and work those things together norms of behavior.

Canada investments

Q: Significant investments military space…standing up space division…what are space mission areas Canada investing in?

Gen Kenny: Rich history of activities in space, Canadian space agency particular, investments in deep space exploration significant…We stood up three Canadian space division…all sequencing following each other what is best fit division command space force…working close partnership. Additional insights through NORAD relationships between missile warning missile set…three significant investment progress space domains…provide to us to get after three key projects: 1) space situational awareness. 2) maritime domain awareness 3) SATCOM capabilities specifically in polar regions...Three projects…work collaborate with CSPOC, Schriever Wargames, enhanced wargames…partnerships have at table…where are gaps and how can fill gaps collective…space is safe domain. Need to be able to prepare selves to defend….with goal of deterring conflict.

France training

Q: France annual exercise, important role training space and allied space operators…cooperative Space?

MGen Adam: This year, much larger, first time in France, space played as domain with such a scale and realism …this year also had a chance, Belgium, Germany, Italy , US, NATO Space center…Lessons learned because realism regarding military joint command and control. Interfacing also present on floor…discovered how critical space was and tried to get that on battlefield. Also confirmed time was running against us…need to speed up capability processing. Another challenge partnership and cooperation.


Q: NATO SATCOM services…how can similar arrangements enhance resilience?

Lt. Gen Goretti: Nature relies on communication satellites, essential…C2 capes managing operations…With this in mind. 2019 NATO launches, NATO SATCOM services is a new satellite service project. Notification, SATCOM services those capabilities provided through this program can and is based…nature owned ground segment. Links for deployed forces to low data rate tactical links…learned that also during activities playing in Ukraine…NATO access to military space segments. France, US, UK, Italy…approach effective for alliance…ensures great services…Italy currently main contributor to initiative. Mutual opportunity and cooperation to develop full system to help hold alliances to do a proper job. Success in efficient cooperation, NATO and space sectors…tool idea future alliances.

Indo-Pacific Efforts

Q: Increasing space operation core pillar, multi-lateral space cooperation play promoting Indo-Pacific?

Gen Uchikura: Testing every single day at sea and air…looking at space other space…got as a global…works as infrastructure support life…local political…stable use of other space…grow cooperation around government, private, allies, and like minded countries…in short…based upon shared values and principals…US Japan India, crucial role maintain strength…promoted space cooperation sharing satellite data of climate change and maritime resources…preparing and responding to natural disaster and contributing to prosperity of INDO-Pacific…some countries could not have enough space capability of only country economic and technology limitation…cooperability gap…Japan, India group…private satellites maintain intent and strength…Space Domain awareness since this march, expansion of space dedicated is under examination…perspective capabilities promote beneficial operations for the region.

NATO Integrated Deterrence

Q: Space policy, NATO military space cooperation support integrated deterrence?

Gen Julazadeh: Space essential to alliance deterrence and defense capability. Capabilities of Space Domain, Track forces, detect mission launches, and ensure protection and control. NATO doesn’t own capabilities to get those through data…deterrence and defense are big element. NATO draws on all tools and a range of options and responds to threats. Policy increase information sharing to improve alliances situational awareness decision readiness and posture…Integration of space consideration, incorporate space into all plans and policies….finding ways to better exploit scientific research, technology capacity and education…work in experimentation, ISR space capabilities…working to increase space IQ [space education] across alliance…

UK Commercial Sector

Q: Aware vital role private sector companies…UK space command harness potential UK commercial space sector?

AVM Godfrey: Three points 1) defense space strategy released highlighted framework. Collaborate and assess…We want to own, what sovereign capabilities do we need, SATCOM and Skynet, looking at what else…ISR 2) Who and when are we going to collaborate…CSPOC principal board…conversation with NATO to understand where can bring complementary capabilities that we then don’t need to go and buy…Access side and commercial side what trying to do experimenting, operational capability demonstrating…first ISR satellite goes up this time next year…doesn’t look like using commercial services using commercial data comparing and contrasting build own sovereign or mix of commercial… 3) Engagement and everything all of us doing…rather than setting requirements…put our problems out there from beginning industry go do the work this is where we can provide solution to the problem…opened JTFSD joint tasked, commercial operations…unclassified commercial space domain awareness data. Enormously valuable put things out in public…

Translating Theory of Success to Reality

Q: Gen Burt, Conflict extending into space…what steps USSF translates theory to reality?

Gen Burt: Outlining theory…in state of competition with pacing threat…how do we have endurance as coalition to stay in competition…alternative not good for any of us…stay in competitive state: 1) Avoiding operational surprise, that’s space domain Awareness…sharing SDA data attribute across coalition, maintain custody, how attribute, making opportunity to decide…Sovereign options to work on own is important all 2) deny first maneuver advantage…through resilience…exploit buy build…as partners, how would we buy together or build together…shared payload recently launched Norway, build depth of resilience…cost of taking out capability would not be worth it 3) Strong Space superiority……Schriever wargames, at some point take a hit back ability to punch as coalition team…how do we do that on norms of nations…third element responsible counterspace campaigning…enable joint force…[countering] pacing threat going take joint force [and partners]…everyone elements is a team sport will not do this alone will do this within norms of responsible behavior.


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