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Miller, Hill, et. al., HASC-STR Hearing FY24 BR for Missile Defense and Missile Defense Programs

18 April 2023


John D. Hill, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space and Missile Defense, DoD

Vice Admiral Jon Hill, Director, Missile Defense Agency

Lieutenant General Daniel Karbler, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command

Major General David Miller, Director of Operations, U.S. Space Command

Chair Rep Doug Lamborn (R-CO)

More Consensus on Efforts:

Partisan issue, to one much more consensus.

Other Actors in Missile Defense:

Aggressive actions advancing military capabilities of China and Russia…Russia’s missile defense system alone 68 defense…armed with nuclear warhead…China aggressive midcourse test…North Korea and Iran conducting Rogue tests…new capability for military. Unprecedented pace. Iran multiple space launch vehicle programs…

Role of Missile Defense In Ukraine:

Missile defense policy evolved in Ukraine and Israel…to protect citizens. In Ukraine…Missile Defense save lives and buy ties for senior leaders to make decisions and how to respond…Adversary…

Role of Missile Defense:

Need to be able to take out as many incoming missiles as possible, providing senior leaders additional time to calculate response. Deters advisory attack in space…

Vital that spectrum is to homeland missile defenses. If get current spectrum debate wrong…there will be consequences…financial cost….Get update on Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) program. Buying only 20 doesn’t make since…need to look at full replacement total of 64. Reengineering plans to field receptors.

Role of Missile Defense and Space Capabilities:

…Future of missile defense increasingly becoming space based…Hypersonic and Ballistic Tracking Space Sensor Satellites (HBTSS) constellation…this will provide sensing tracking fire control needed for missile defense…two payload launches this year, rest of payloads coming years.

…GPI, doesn’t give us capability until the mid 2030s.

Pushing HBTSS and GPI Quicker:

Given rapid pace…eager to hear ideas on both DoD on how to pull both HBTSS and GPI to the left…many of Congress feels sense of urgency that does not seem to be shared by Executive Branch.

Ranking Member Seth Moulton (D-MA)

Partnerships Recognize Importance:

Allies and partners around world…Address growing threat to forces…preview across both space and missile achievement…Security…professional burdens and responsibilities

Missile Defense and What We Need/Fifth Level:

Missile defense and defeat has a mixed legacy…how much and what kind of it we need.

Evaluate budget requests with a clear understanding of strategic logic behind them. Frame conversation discussion of scenarios/levels use joint level. Highest possible level is the strategic level…

Crazy logic nuclear…until can safely rid the world of nuclear weapons…can neither unilateral disarm or unilateral render useless advisory arsenals….

US decision to leave anti-missile treaty in 2002 can almost directly be tied to PRC and Russia…result nuclear powers less stable…deter near-peer nuclear advisories with own reliable forces…

Fourth Level/North Korea:

Fourth area, most debate…advancements in missile defense since pulling out of ABM treaty have provided a security blanket…if North Korea gets more united states, won't have enough…therefore arms race with North Korea…if continue to expand must ask not just how North Korea will respond but how Russia and PRC will respond as well. How does DoD Weighing that important question. What point do we move North Korea’s arsenal from category 4 to category 5.

Implications not just today’s tactical threats but ensuring strategic capabilities.

Third Level:

Third level of defense, anyone including near peer advisory for having an accidental launch. Some ability to defend against …should be maintained.

Second Level:

Level 2, theater level missiles in current conflict, Patriot, THAAD (terminal High Altitude Area Defense), cornerstone of regional missile defense…investment made to improve these systems...see these at work in action…missile defense enable them to fight back…missile [defense] integral part of modern way of war

Ukraine also reaffirmed power higher level strategic nuclear ability… have to be cognizant about crossing this line.

First Level:

Foundational of all levels…level 1. Detect, track threats moment they launch ability to see potential target…gives [us the] decision [space] to respond…more investment and better capabilities, makes us more safe. Over $6 billion develop land and space-based missile sensors that our adversaries are developing.

Complex Picture:

Looking at complex picture…vitally important to get it right not just own national security, but also humanity itself…must recognize longer term strategic implications for budget decisions made today. Robust missile defense more secure...missile inceptors more comfortable tomorrow….how will expanding U.S. missile defense today impact strategic…

Deputy Assistant Secretary John D. Hill


Aim to provide recent military developments, policy update, FY24…

The threat:

PRC department pacing challenge. Russia remains an acute threat.. Department RPC develop…forcefully unify Taiwan. Russia conducted thousands missile strikes to terrorize Ukraine. Iran continues to test… North Korea showcased array of missile systems…ICBM test just last week

National Defense Strategy:

2022 National Defense Strategy, have three priorities which include: integrated deterrence [and] incorporating departments efforts to deter and defeat…And deter strategic attacks for US, allies, partners….Improvements missile defense based systems… deter regional detection, prevail if necessary…Defense of Guam intersects three priorities

FY24 Budget Snapshot:

Our homeland defense priorities $1.5 billion in terms of defense of Guam, $64 million to improve defense of Hawaii, $423 million dollars for over the horizon radars, $5 billion for modernizing space abilities with new MW/MT and next gen OPIR.

Regional defense includes $259 million for hypersonic [related efforts] , $2.3 billion for THADD, $1.5 billion lower tier missile threat, and $308 million directed energy development

Integrated Deterrence:

Ukraine endures today sovereign nation…made possible with air and missile defense top priorities…international missile defense cooperation includes testing and training…and supporting them through sales of equipment…missile foundational to adversaries’ way of war

Missile defense…foundational integrated deterrence…pass on time construction appropriation act.

Vice Admiral Jon Hill

Summarize the Threat:

To summarize the threat, large numbers, high speeds, and heavy maneuvers. [Missile Defense Agency] $10.9 billion to continue mission to meet threats…

Three Priorities:

1) homeland defense level 4. Alaska and Hawaii, protect homeland [from] ballistic missile…counter limited…service life extension…GBI beyond 0230…on track no later end of 2028…multiple kill vehicle technologies., efforts at Vandenberg Space Force Base.

2) Priority related to Guam…integrate defense system…driving to meet INDOPACOM’s requirement…cruise, ballistic, maneuverable, hypersonic threats…clear warning

3) priority hypersonic…counter hypersonic threat…integrated tracking abilities by the ground and sea…can track hypersonic threats…global maneuver…space based tracking is clear need. HBBTS will start on orbit operations to unique tracking target, flight tests…proliferated and operated by USSF…

Lieutenant General Daniel Karbler, Opening Comments:

People First:

People first organization, 2,600 soldiers and civilians…space high altitude and missile defense forces and capabilities…Role, commanding general US army space and missile defense…integrated missile defense…[work with] USSTRATCOM and USSPACECOM…

Importance of Space:

In short, never seen advisory threat activity test or operational use as great as see today…in space domain equally aggressive challenge multiple space emission areas


Deny adversaries the benefit of aggression…continue investments to be combat ready. Do not face threats alone…allies/partners contribute to missions.

Partners US Army Special operations/Cyber…Space/cyber Special Operations triad to provide deterrence…

Right Mix:

IBCS…any sensors best shooter operational command and control, right quantity and mix and capabilities…effective tier and layered defense.

Major General David Miller

Strategic Competitors:

…USSPACECOM. Strategic competitors, US homeland interest around the globe.

Focus Areas:

Challenge focus here is…domain awareness, targeting, tracking capabilities needed. Joint, combined, partner solution array of traditional and not traditional sensors…Optimizing legacy space architecture…

Work with MDA and USSF:

Excited by [work] of USSF/MDA…maintaining advantage in space and cyber domain. Complexity and scale of threat environment demands deliver sensors…missions are inherently global…close coordination along combatant command.

Integration Missile Warning (MW) and Space Domain Awareness

Integrated Missile Warning and SDA, global persistence space domain missile warning and missile tracking…global sensor manager…required…execute DoD Missile Warning sensors…direct result of USSPACECOM as global sensor manager…significantly enhancing Joint Forces effectiveness…


Rep. Lamborn

Reducing Dwell Time

Lamborn: Soldiers work in Missile Defense speak to report in terms of…progress in reducing dwell time?

LTG Karbler: Recognizes Challenge…commissioned health of force study specific to address opportunities and challenges of our members…got back great feedback…Army made recommendations and now has implemented recommendations…including: pay incentives, professional military education, mid-tour leave…all of those different opportunities…decrease demand across force specifically in CENTCOM AOR…made significant change…red lines 1 to 2…Get into [dwell periods] in line with secretary of defense…


Lamborn: Hypersonic Defense…top priority this year is accelerating. Two capabilities 1) HBTSS for sensing tracking fire control 2)glide phased interceptor. First two set to launch later this year…rest of constellation to full coverage not expected to launch to end of this decade…takes 13 years. Given sufficient funding, MDA get glide phased interceptor to IOC faster?

VADM Hill:…laid out plan…early in program, not at milestone A…should be kicking into next phase all about risk reduction, really build confidence for program…believe can pull earlier, funding challenge…I agree fielding out in mid-30s is not meeting threat.


Lamborn: Importance to field the full HBTSS constellation as quickly as possible?

VADM Hill: About maneuvering threat…no longer have predictable…by being in space have ability catch threats and provide fire control…first two [launch] September, collecting data to prove out in space what proved in ground…working closely with USSF

Maj Gen Miller: Key things 1) HBTSS capability in maintaining threat and custody 2) level of discrimination…essential quality mission defense across regime…COCOM, absolutely essential to compliment what is already in budget.

Higher Priorities

Lamborn: Sec Hill, providing GPI or HBTSS faster should be a higher priority?

Mr. Hill: Learning this year in terms of GPI program moving into risk reduction…help make it more confident…still have space to move to left…option keep open…HBTSS launches get space-based data to inform decision…still maintaining flexible to make kind of decision suggesting

Lamborn: Highest priority, so can move to left. Current plan but 20 [NGIS], 2028…heard 2027…give us mix of 44 older GBIS, 20 new NGIS. What’s best military advice…start replacing aging GBIS with NGIs?

VADM Hill: Thought through all of that…enough flexibility options…two companies competed…both companies moving towards 27 timeline…along way make decisions on inventory…great about carrying two, could have two production lines…could neck down one, can build twenty, add to 44, replace numbers…flexible acquisition strategy and I think those decisions do not have to be made today

Rep. Moulton

HBTSS/Hypersonics/Advanced Warning:

Moulton: HBTSS quoting Gen Miller, “not only detects, it maintains custody there in, provides discrimination to accurately prosecute that threat”…difficult to understand. What we are talking about…if Russia or China were to launch hypersonic missile…how much advanced warning have of that attack?

VADM Hill: …Right now hypersonic threats…engagement perspective, pursuing a regional capability. Sensing capability want to cover level 1 see strategic attack…add on to General Miller, latency means timely…want timely information going into any defensive system. Fire control, position, and velocity accuracy…Other piece is B in HBTSS, B really means dim targets of ballistic missiles…shift proposition types…much dimmer in upper stages…hard to see…need a sensor that can see that…but also different propulsion types (not just hypersonic) HBTSS provide warning.

Maj Gen Miller: Get a warning within seconds…where threat located, dictate how much warning have…giving launch timelines have…certainly have adequate warning…

Moulton: Why investing capabilities is so important…need to maintain command and control until have those capabilities…

North Korea:

Moulton: How does the department think about Missile Defense requirements for North Korea…continue keep pace with North Korea, but also influence Russia/China, counterproductive…North Korea becoming a nuclear power…moving North Korea from level 4 to level 5?

Mr. Hill: Described in missile defense review, missile defeat things reduce confidence, always have had the ability to cost and position nuclear response…posture with respect to North Korea…If North Korea more and more, at some point decide missile defense enough interceptors…Deal with defense problem there…time when nuclear retaliation…its real. Foundation of all deterrence.

Moulton: Helpful to understand where to make transition, blindly producing to try to keep up…risk other consequences.

GMD Interceptors:

Moulton: If we were to get into the realm of level 5 missile defense, deterring near pear advisory….how many GMD interceptors estimate that we need…?

Mr. Hill: Key role defense denying and assuring ability to impose costs to make sure regret having starting in the first place…defense is there to assure command and control…over the horizon radar improve warning cruise missile…space based hypersonics dimmer threats seeing…combination sense and see will have means to intercept and I will have nuclear deterrent if need to use…What have 44, 24 part of NGI program…that’s what covered in missile defense review…left open as possibility NGI program develops do we replace…

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC)

MDA Taking to Deter and Deny

Wilson: Facing threats PRC…continue to develop capacity to develop long-range missile threats…how concerned are you continued missile development production….what steps is MDA taking to adequately deter and deny….?

Mr. Hill: The budget put forward this year, focusing on significant investments. MDA alone $10 billion, space-based sensors…discriminating sensor…covering from both homeland missile defense perspective as well as regional defense…investments going in through the services…USSF budget deploying MW/MT layers $5 billion there…total expenditure $29 Billion dollar…total looking at ranges of threats described.

Defense of Guam

Wilson: Defense of Guam, appreciated American territory…MDA responsible to integrated army missile defense…support of defense of Guam…through command and control.. initial capability in Guam of 2024, enhanced by 2029…any additional requirements/resources that MDA may need to ensure that function is established on territory of Guam?

VADM Hill: First year in 2023, starting program. Total focus is on establishing site…early environment work. End of 2024, first radar, command and control suite, so can test in the environment. On island…what I know we need it is the infrastructure on the island…Army ICBS system, core part, quality of life…some other capabilities meant for different environment…

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA)

USSPACECOM/Commercial Strategy:

Houlahan: USSPACECOM commercial strategy, asymmetrical advantage…lead efforts past SBIR/STRR operate unimpeded…bridge valley of death small business/commercial integration strategy at USSPACECOM…doing enough on committee and also DOD…and what more should be doing?

Maj Gen Miller: Relationship with USSPACECOM with commercial industry has typically started in SATCOM, seen recent years expand into other mission sets…space domain awareness area. Leverage commercial sensors on scales not anticipated to fill in gaps, synchronization integration more accuracy seen in SDA….focus 1)single point of entry, combined joint integration commercial office…single phase on what requirements are 2) lay out key priority mission sets….[also looking at] into specific capabilities commercial partners have specific requirements to look at….Joint task force, space defense commercial office…leverage independent verifiable that we use to provide warning on range of threats…allow us to augment and inform from data transport layer.

Houlahan: Something to take a look at…outlined defining priorities…don’t know what don’t know…civilian industry innovating on…how interacting?

Maj Gen Miller: Commercial integration cell at Vandenberg…commercial to go and partner with us. SDA number of capabilities provide varied…exquisite also increased capacity…our interface for that is commercial integration cell. Also, learned on safety of flight, awareness of threats on orbit…see transition to Department of Commerce, civil function and being able to repurpose guardians at Vandenberg for operational [capacity]…both get out of commercial enterprise also exploring new technologies.

Rep. Michael Turner (R-OH)

Policy Changes, Looking at Europe:

Turner: Several years, deterrence nuclear weapons arsenals alone is dead…Russia and China not being deterred because continued vast expand…move to more blended architecture…understand if attack. Have responsibility to protect public…systems in place to protect them and we do not…Europe first…may use tactical weapons…?

VADM Hill: Maintain flexibility on site, should policy change acquire different capabilities…could bring back in…inherent capability, consoles required dependent on what mission is…

Turner: Situation arisen, need to consider, European footprint…voluntarily restrained deterrence blends ourselves…policy begins debate of why done this?

Mr. Hill: NATO thinks it’s time, NATO needs to change policy missile defense policy…VADM hill explained technically can do it…policy, what’s the balance of deterrence and defense going forward need to have.

Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA)


Carbajal: Congratulate Space Force recent successful, rocket carried tranche space development agency satellites, key part of MW/MT architecture. GEO published report, highlighted opportunity to reduce risks of missile defense programs….Partnership between NDAA missile defense organizations?

VADM Hill: THADD, Redstone arsenal…Partnership alive and well acquisition perspective…Navy program…at Dahlgren…GMD not a day not talking directly to northern command…ensure providing all support need…hand in hand in terms of launch site and command and control.


Carbajal: How balancing patriot, Thadd while maintaining readiness?

LTG Karbler: Had to reduce demand signal for Air missile defense forces in CENTCOM, not putting Missile defense, and affecting readiness, so done that…increases readiness…have helped readiness…crews stay together….continue to share lessons learned…


Carbajal: Challenges defending against hypersonic missiles from a technological standpoint? Homeland or regional? Or Both?

VADM Hill: Focused on regional capability. Detect, control, engage…Detection comes with challenges…don’t launch singular azimuth, field of view radar limited, advocate space…command and control short, engagement in terminal [is] dirty environment EM, jammers, maneuver quickly…demonstrate capability to take threat on. Glide phase…regional….glide phase dives down…engage in glide…do have capability there today.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)

Site/Fort Drum

Stefanik: NDAA and DoD, Fort Drum as site selected East coast…3rd missile defense site, east coast fort drum…national security…need to face 21st, how is Fort Drum important?

VADM Hill: Defense, geography meaningful, extend battlespace next generation interceptor, access shoot, getting shot in early, ability to engage early and then assess…compelling need there as continue to watch…space launch vehicles…more defenses

Stefanik: Steps taken?

VADM Hill: Site selection, step 1. Assess some number of sites…top level view…what would make since…timelines…general scrub area be…challenges will be…going in and doing more invasive work. How hard be to build their…Clios NGI production line…next generation Interceptor will have at least one

Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA)

Unfunded Priorities/Guam:

Garamendi: unfunded priorities, any programs…looking at can shifting money from your programs in support of Defense of Guam

VADM Hill: Limited capability to move money from program…$10 billion PB24…

Directed Energy:

Garamendi: Role of directed energy…in other defense mechanisms.

VADM Hill: Investing specific lethality, right places to place energy…range of those effects. Looking at multiple different types…whole range of missile threats.

Garamendi: How far off are we?

VADM Hill: Directed Energy promising not something seen near term…hypersonic designed to fly high heat environment…big challenge missile defense leverage missile defense.

Cost of Missile Defense, with “one to one” approach:

Garamendi: If go one to one, not assume…may need two to one…calculated over a trillion dollars, just to defend…?

VADM Hill: not sure what assumptions making but would be expensive.

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN)

Workforce in Guam:

DesJarlais: Budget request…support defense of Guam deliver…present workforce capable of meeting goals…extent laboring workforce issues…Guam to support stay on track?

VADM Hill: Anyone doing military construction on island of Guam, have not realized that yet…once get to military construction in 2025 timeframe if don’t come from Visa issue…would be helpful to know about visas.

Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL)


Strong: Alabama’s five congressional Redstone and host MDA…last years NDAA mandated department provide report to Congress and layered strategy how US military will use asymmetric capabilities to defend hypersonic… Capacity top concern for yours…threats posed real…top capacity concerns are Missile Defense system…potential problems avoided…

LTG Karbler: Need more THADD…getting 16th battalion…standing four maneuver shore battalions…counter US drone challenges…continued integration organize industrial base…FMS patriot/THADD…additional capacity requirements to meet advisories out there…never comfortable with current capacity have….Challenge with budget environment…

Strong: High operational tempos for air/missile defense…readiness?

LTG Karbler: Recognize health of force study…stress on force…laid out recommendations that we are implementing, see soldiers enlisted at highest rates…are making difference…level of predictability…Able to do, really get predictable back to soldiers and families

Space Domain Awareness/USSPACECOM

Strong: Space Domain awareness, USSPACEOM, DoD at large… how is USSPACECOM integrating with commercial companies and sensor management?

Maj Gen Miller: Main effort focused on non-traditional sensors…not purpose built mission defense…sensors/capability to provide unique capability on one head unique capabilities also looked at commercial sector advanced algorithms and tools risk threats or any flight concerns see…using unclassified means to do this…see a lot of productivity…


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