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Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Mitchell Institute Schriever Spacepower Series

24 May 2023

Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Commander, Space Operations Command, USSF

Accomplishments Over the Last Year

-We have three primary priorities.

-First, prepare combat ready forces. It ties in intel, cyber, space ops, and combat support.

-Two, partnering across the space enterprise, DOC, NOAA, NASA, commercial partners, allies.

-Third, project combat power in, from, and to space.

-We stood up Delta 18 and 15.

-We got with Army and Navy and brought on all satcom capabilities into Delta 8.

Communications Layer, Tracking Layer

-Congratulations SDA on its most recent launch. Dr. Derek Tournear is a fantastic leader and partner. We’ve been discussing for over a year now how do we make sure when they hand over capabilities, how are we going to make sure we’re ready.

-I have a team and SDA has a team focused on this integration effort and we’re getting after operational concepts.

-T0 will not become an operational capability. That will come with T1. We’re still a couple years away but we’re on path.

-I don’t think we have to say it’s going to be at Buckley. What’s most important is where the data goes. That’s being worked out in the operational concept.

Architectures Against the Threats

-Non kinetic threats or kinetic threats, we don’t have a specific number but we know we definitely need to get to a proliferated architecture.

Rapid Reconstitution

-I think we’re looking at this option right now. Freight train to space concept.

-We’re working with SSC on a rapid technical launch series and we’re proving we can do call up and launch on order.

Launch Sites

-I think we’re seeing commercial really starting to open up opportunities. We’re starting to see other capabilities and launch locations emerge.

Addressing Non-Kinetic Threats

-What we’re seeing in Russia Ukraine is exactly what we’ve been anticipating. We are seeing jamming, spoofing…

-GPS III that will really help us fight through jamming capabilities.

-Recent changes to the org structure. We brought in Army and Navy satcom capability. It’s all in Delta 8. We’re standing up a new operational level element.

-We are making many changes to be more resilient. If the US were to get into conflict, we’re going to work with regional combatant commanders to help target the threats.

Improvements Needed for Current Structure

-Satellite Control Network, SCN, that is very old. We’re getting every ounce of capability out of it that we can. Those 19 antennas are equivalent to runways in the airspace. We are trying to ensure we can use that while fielding others and then upgrade SCN.

-We’ll test out NOAA antennas on some of our satellites this year.

-In partnership with Space RCO, they are in the process of developing and acquiring a radar system that can do 10 satellite contacts at a time. We’ll really be multiplying that capability. We’ll get those in the next couple years.

Cyber Threats

-Cyber is the soft underbelly of the space enterprise. We have to defend the cyber terrain because countries like Russia and China, while they could take us on in the domain, they’d rather take us on in cyber because it’s cheaper and harder to attribute. Same for the nations who haven’t proved that they can take us on in the space domain.

-We have an agreement with AF that we’re getting out of the business and our cyber guardians will be focused on defending our cyber missions not base level installation business, like emailing and calls.

16th AF, US CYBER COMMAND Relationship

-Over next couple years, SF will build out a service component to Cyber Command.

-16th AF, we have a great relationship and are dependent on them because they have a great infrastructure to defend the email systems. We’re getting expertise.

Commercial Assets

-We’re at a second golden age of space. There’s a lot of excitement and we have to leverage it. We want to continue and make sure we can leverage commercial and not building duplicates.

-Commercial systems face the same threats we do that aren't the same as other domains. Things we’re interested in, cybersecurity. Russia and Ukraine, there were cyber-attacks on commercial companies. We want to make sure they’re hardening themselves.

-We have a partnership with many companies, Commercial Integration Cell, and we’re sharing threat information at the highest levels to help them harden.

Commercial and Policy Issues

-Data that we might get from commercial, I’m not aware of any policy prohibiting us from using that as part of the kill chain.

-There is policy we need to think through in areas and they’re working on it right now.

-If we were to go farther up the kill chain, there is government only functions and commercial functions. We’re always considering this as well.

Tactical ISR

-All of the other services have tactical ISR capability. As we think about that for SF, we need to start looking at what exists today. We have the best ISR capabilities through NRO. We also have the best commercial ISR. As we look at that, we’re looking at how we can leverage them and fill gaps.

-There are discussions happening right now.

-NRO is a fantastic partner of SF. They have world leading thinking when looking at developing resiliency. We have to look at what capabilities are out there today and the needs of the warfighter. If we have to develop something new we’ll figure that out.


-This is an area we’ve made the most progress in, improving intel capabilities and being led by intel.

-NSIC is doing long range looks at where China and Russia are going and making this analysis.

-We’re also growing tactical and operational level intel as well.

-ISR Squadron provides electronic support.

-73rd Squadron can also support SIGINT and electronic support.

-74th is our analysis squadron. Deep looks at red threats.

-75th will be stood up later this year that will get after targeting. Next year we’ll stand up 76th that will exploit and dig in and pull out the intel we need.

Space Domain Awareness and Partnership with NRO

-SDA is absolutely foundational to all that we do. I’m really proud of our Space Delta 2 leadership team.

-Since stand up of SF, we’ve seen a 90% increase in the number of trackable objects. Incredible growth.

-We stood up a new squadron on Maui. We’re bringing together ops, science, technology.

-19th does the non-human conjunction analysis. That has freed up capacity to allow them to also get after the cislunar area. They’re helping us figure out of capabilities and what we need to do moving forward.

-DARC, this will be very important.

-SBSS, SILENTBARKER, NRO, we’re working together. That will launch later this year. We absolutely want to partner with them. We will have all this data to be able to track the growth.

-We’ll have a process to decide [who gets to decide which way it’s looking.]

Classification Progress

-This is an ultra-marathon. We’re working with our allies and making progress. It continues to need to be attacked at all levels.

-I think we’re making progress but it’s never fast enough. There will always be points of friction and we’re working through it.


-The guardians we get to work with that started out outside of AF, they’re amazing. Some were approaching 30 years of service and still said they wanted to come over. We’re learning so much from them. They helped to guide lessons learned. They're bringing different aspects to our culture.

SpOC Manpower

-As we think about new missions and capabilities coming, we’re focused on all of the capabilities required to actually operate the new systems. That requires manpower.

-We will pace new manpower to new missions as they come but I think we’ll continue to have the manpower we need.

On-Orbit Servicing and Decreasing Vulnerability

-That’s a capability we’ve seen in the commercial market and it’s a great opportunity for us moving forward. Something like refueling is one way we can get after challenges. We do limit the way we operate based on fuel. There’s an entire line of effort with SSC partners who are looking at the logistics.


-We need to be driving this across all operations. We’re working through AI capabilities inside HQ to get after business practices.

-We established a top 10 AI/ML needs list and we’re working with SSC at getting at these. We have a lot of data and we need to be able to get through it quickly.

Offensive Cyber Operations

-US CYBERCOMMAND has offensive cyber capability and they do look at it for space purposes. Cyber guardians will look at this as they will be the expertise who focus on cyber throughout their careers.

-We’re looking at a timeline moving forward and exchanging officers but we’re still figuring it out.


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