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Gen. Milley, Sec. Austin., et. al., HAC-D FY24 DoD Budget Hearing

23 March 2023


General Mark A. Milley, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Lloyd J. Austin III, Secretary of Defense

Michael J. McCord, Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/ Chief Financial Officer

Rep. Betty McCollum, (D-MN)

On investing in industries

If we want to support the continued investments in our shipyards, aerospace industry, our microelectronics industry base, we must be sure that we are investing in the inputs and support those industrial efforts. And that simply is our people.

On emerging technologies

We must prioritize the modernization of our force and the investments in emerging technologies like quantum computing, artificial intelligence that will drive decision making, and the future of modern combat.

On China:

China continues to take provocative steps in the Pacific and spread its influence around the world.

Sec Lloyd Austin:

On budget and space budget

Largest space budget in pentagon history. Requested 33.3 billion dollars to improve capabilities, resilience, and our command and control in space.

Now, let me again thank Congress for providing the department with multiyear procurement authorities and appropriations for critical munitions. This helps send a consistent demand signal to industry, and in this budget, we're requesting more multiyear procurement authority, and we're asking for more than $30 billion to invest in the industrial base and to buy the maximum number of munitions that American industry can produce.

Gen. Mark Milley:

On adversaries

The United States must remain the most powerful military in the world to maintain peace and prevent great power war… War with China is neither inevitable nor imminent. Additionally, Russia is an acute threat and remains very dangerous…We are supporting Ukraine in its fight to protect its sovereignty and supporting our NATO allies with the United States force presence in every single nation on NATO's eastern flank. This fight is not just in Ukraine's interest. It is in the US interest to protect the system that has prevented great power war for eight decades.

China is a serious probably the most serious geostrategic adversary of the United States is facing today and will be facing through mid-century and perhaps the entire century... I think that we need to be really careful as we go forward to make sure that our military and our capabilities are way stronger than anything China can field.

On Importance of International Allies:

The United States never fights alone. A key source of our strength to keep the peace and prevail in war is our large global network of alliances and partnerships...

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