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Gen. David Thompson, SASC Hearing on Current Readiness of the Joint Force

02 May 2023


Gen. David D. Thompson, USSF, Vice Chief of Space Operations, Department of the Air Force

On Space Capabilities for Both Civilian and Military Aspects of Life.

-The capabilities and benefits provided from space are essential to our way of life and crucial to effective military operations in every other domain."

On Building a Cohesive and Capable Force

-This shift was a compelling reason for the creation of the space force.

-Anchored in a full-spectrum test and training enterprise, much remains to be done in all of these areas.

-The Space Force generation model reached its initial capability on October 1st and, once complete, will deliver space forces that are truly ready against the pacing challenge

On Challenges of Developing a Competent Space Force

-The main challenges to SF generation today are twofold: creating a combat-ready space force and the availability of budgetary resources in a timely manner to execute all we're planning to do.

On Ensuring Mission Continuity and Reliability

-In addressing a newly contested domain, we don't have the readiness metrics yet, we don't have the systems, we don't have the training infrastructure, but I absolutely believe we have the plan that we're executing.

-Our missions are primarily employed in place, and we operate every day in our satellite community control centers

-We create redundancy and backup such that when you have weather problems in one area, you can transfer the mission to other areas and continue in that regard

On Maintaining Readiness in a Contested Environment and Threats

-We've begun to pivot to more resilient and dependable architectures to ensure soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines have the space capabilities they need across the spectrum of conflict.

-Year over year, the space force is prioritizing its readiness in all facets to effectively deter adversaries and, if necessary, prevail in conflict.

-The Space Force has moved out aggressively to address the challenges the nation faces in space.

-The overriding consideration in assessing Space Force readiness remains the dramatic shift to the space domain from a comparatively benign military environment to a contested one.

On Developing Advanced Training and Infrastructure

The first challenge in creating a combat-ready space force is an advanced full-spectrum test and training infrastructure.

-I acknowledge the need for comprehensive training and infrastructure to support the space force's readiness.

-Without this infrastructure, guardians will not have defendable systems, proven tactics, or the confidence and competence they need to win conflict in space.

-We're designing and developing constellations that address the migration of missions to space.

On Collaboration with Congress and Budget Support

-Congress has been a tremendous partner in defining and building the space force the nation needs.

-Counting on a budget from Congress is really important to all of the work that we all need to do.

-The president's fiscal year 2024 budget request reaffirms the space force's commitment to that threat-informed shift

-The most important thing Congress can do to help is passing an on-time budget.

On Strengthening Cybersecurity

-The president's fiscal year 2024 budget request extends the pivot to more resilient architectures based on proliferated constellations, intelligence-driven space domain awareness, aggressive cybersecurity, measured investment in space superiority, and combat-critical credible forces.

On Climate Change

-We also create redundancy and backup such that when you have weather problems in one area, you can transfer the mission to other areas and continue in that regard.

-We do all the things the other services have in terms of power and building codes, but then we also build in redundant control centers to continue to operate.

-We operate every day in our satellite community control centers, and we also build in redundant control centers to continue to operate

On Embracing Innovation and Technological Advancements

-We had $390 million in this year's budget focused on that plan, and our request has another $300 million above that.

-We're designing and developing constellations that address the migration of missions to space, including moving target indication, domain awareness on land, at sea, and in the air, and the movement of data to enable the way the Joint Force expects to fight in the future.

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