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Cyber Warfare Panel

Cyber Warfare Panel Moderator: Brig Gen Gregory Touhill, USAF (Ret.) Dr. Wanda T. Jones-Heath, Principal Cyber Advisor to the Department of the Air Force Lt. Gen Kevin Kennedy, Commander, 16th Air Force Lt Gen Timothy D. Haugh, Deputy Commander, U.S. Command Col. Zachary “Shay” Warakomski, Cyber Deputy and the Space Force Senior Cyber Officer Deter Cyber Aggression: Q: Are we adequately prepared to deter cyber aggression?

  • Lt Gen Haugh: Working on growing partnerships. #1 partner is NSA. Looking at sharing data. How do we share intelligence?

  • Dr. Jones-Heath: Partnership across DAF, looking at are we cyber ready? Are we modernizing enough?

  • Lt Gen Kennedy: Looking at Operational level design, align with operational level under integrated deterrence. Looking at resiliency and generating combat power. Also looking at making sure Combatant Commands are aligned. Disrupt/expose adversary includes ISR, EW, and IO forces.

  • Col Warakomski: Our operators are employed in place, so looking at power projection platforms. Comes down to readiness and resiliency. Mastery of full spectrum from offense to defense. Need to look at layering on additional capabilities and postering for integrated deterrence.

Integration of Cyber Space: Integrated Operations. How do you access integration of cyber space is going?

  • Lt Gen Kennedy: Need some level of deconfliction, then go to some level of coordination, then have synergy. Right now at the some level of coordination stage…Who has the mission and who executes?

  • Col Warakomski: Nexus between cyber and space. Not only linked but critically enabling each other. Expanding and wide portfolio, including standing up integrated analysis teams, looking at standing up cyber area at each Combatant Command which allows direct connective tissue to Cyber Command.

  • Dr. Jones-Heath: Looking at exercise, brining cyber into exercises, including Joint ones.

  • Lt Gen Haugh: be able to integrate with other combatant commands, starts with talent

Coordination of Cyber Space Activities?

  • Lt Gen Haugh: Started to collaborate with Department of Homeland Security and FBI. How do we share information at unclassified level to make threats known, so industry can act?

  • Col Warakomski: Beyond cyber, have the Combined Space Operations Center that sits at Vandenberg SFB. Working with industry partners here. Also working on project in conjunction with Maj Gen Gagnon, have to have central effort a PMO model to secure and eliminate all vulnerabilities. Looking at all installations. Also looking at utilities, like Colorado Springs utilities. Need to make sure infrastructure is good.

  • Lt Gen Haugh: Systems have to be secure by design, cyber readiness, and adaptive

  • Lt Gen Kennedy: Look at life-cycle of information. Where can I accept risk?

Retention How do you retain Personnel?

  • Dr. Jones-Heath: Organizations are competing with each other for same talent, have to find a way to work together, think differently, and take risks. (Ex. Fix hiring process for civilians, different pay structures, exchange talent between government and industry)

  • Col Warakomski: Small service, every person has an impact. Also have incentives (Ex. Selective reenlistment, special duty assignment, cyber assignment incentive pay)

  • Lt Gen Haugh: This is number one issue, culture and authorities. Have to empower everyone and realize their impacts, get them to see their impacts.

  • Col Warakomski: Quoting acquisitions, need to exploit what we have, buy what we can, and build what we must. Have to leverage industry as much as possible. Looking at commercial off the shelf options. Specifically with hardware and software and tailoring to mission set. As industry, can help with integration and automation. Industry developing tools need to build in anything that can help automate tasks. Also looking at integrating, cyber architectures maybe decades old, need to look at this.

  • Lt Gen Kennedy: Need technical airman and airman that are trained to keep up with pace. For industry need to build in training and mentorship. Make simple and secure by design.



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