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Col. Pete Atkinson, CACI Enabling the Mission of the New Triad

13 April 2022


Col. Pete Atkinson, Chief of Operations, Space Divisions, US Army

Pete Gallagher, Senior Vice President, Technology Solutions, CACI

James Hammond, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Support and Solutions, CACI

George Jackson, Executive Producer, GovExec TV

Opening Q&A

Col. Pete Atkinson, Chief of Operations, Space Divisions, US Army

On integrated deterrence

Q- Integrated deterrence, how does it relate to the new triad?

It’s part of our NDS. Bring together all the elements from partners and allies. Triad brings together exquisite capability at the time of need. It will allow us to deter aggression.

On JADC2 and data

Q- Is there a tie in between JADC2 and the triad?

Absolutely. There’s a hardware solution but also a mindset for getting after all this data. How do we take concepts that are happening across the services and how does it tie into JADC2? How does Army contribute to that? We will help inform joint concepts and doctrine. JADC2 I think of it more of a concept that will require an entire array of capabilities.

On challenges and needs

Q- Top challenges? What do you need right now?

Looking at how we equip our forces. In the past we used a lot of hardware. In the future we’ll need a lot of service support from industry. We know technology continues to refresh. As a service, leveraging industry so we aren’t in a hardware centric model. Industry can continuously refresh.


Panel Q&A

Pete Gallagher, Senior Vice President, Technology Solutions, CACI

James Hammond, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Support and Solutions, CACI

George Jackson, Executive Producer, GovExec TV

On threats

Q- What are some of the advanced threats and how are we addressing them?

Gallagher: PNT, we really rely on it. If the Department is contested in space, there’s potential to lose timing, targeting, positioning. Industry is trying to provide us alternatives. Multi orbit satellite constellations, leveraging commercial where it makes sense, and investing in redundancy, this is an area where industry can help.


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