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AMOS w/ Keynote Speaker - Diane Howard

AMOS Keynote Speaker: Diane Howard, Director, Commercial Space Policy at National Space Council

On Commercial Space Policy and Innovation

-American leadership relies upon private sector Innovation... spd3 opened up discussions about what is inherently governmental about how to integrate commercial capabilities.

-Operations are increasingly impacted by mounting congestion and unpredictability in space. We must consider whether and how regulatory measures can ensure the sustainability of space for future Generations.

On Space Sustainability and Regulation

-Our work has been in consideration of space sustainability as novel capabilities and novel space operations are being placed in space. We must consider how they impact the sustainability of the space environment.

-We must consider whether and how regulatory measures can ensure the sustainability of space for future Generations.

On Interagency and International Cooperation

-United States government industry and our International partners to develop and Implement open, transparent and credible International standards to establish the foundation for Global Space Traffic coordination.

-Engagement that the US federal government has had with a number of different countries has been unparalleled.

-The administration's space priorities framework directions to work together with the United States government industry and our International partners to develop and Implement open, transparent, and credible International standards.

On Planetary Evolution and Space Exploration

-And it begins with the epics of planetary Evolution that were the Genesis of the formation of these beautiful islands.

-The United States will lead in the responsible, peaceful, and sustainable exploration and use of outer space.

On Cybersecurity and Resilience of Space Systems

-The US will work with the commercial space industry and other non-governmental space developers and operators to improve the cybersecurity of Space Systems that provide or support critical infrastructure from malicious activities and natural hazards.

Importance of Adaptation and Flexibility in Policy

-We need an adaptable framework, not something rigid to be effective. It must be flexible enough to adapt over time to a predictable regulatory environment of commercial space activities that grows and evolves in response to technological advancements in increasingly operating environments.

-It really is all about relationships. I don't understand policy by working with the Implementation establishment.

On Challenges and the Importance of Perseverance

-Some of this change results from unsustainable practices on Earth, some from our heightened awareness and connectivity... so we need to keep our heads down, focus on our missions, be patient when necessary and keep our hope alive.

-A mere two and a half years ago spd3 related Acquisitions looked like an insurmountable challenge and here we are a few years in.

On the Evolution of Satellite Technology & Connectivity

-Connectivity is changing; satellite networks continue to operate regardless of what's happening on the ground.

-Satellite phones can help provide advice.

On Government Role & Objectives in Space

-I've been asked to give you an overview of US Government efforts of civil SSA and Space Traffic coordination from the vantage point of our Administration objectives and priorities.

-Your next panel is going to go into the Nitty Gritty of the current interagency work underway for the transition to civil SSA and SSTC under space policy free from the Department of Defense to the Department of Commerce.

On Public-Private Collaboration

-American leadership relies upon private sector Innovation.

-These discussions are servicing other important aspects of the increasingly interwoven relationship between the public and private sectors.

Change, Challenges, and Hope

-We're living in a time of unprecedented change on Earth and in space.

-We need to keep our heads down, focus on our missions, be patient when necessary, and keep our hope alive.

The Significance of Space and its Connection to Earth

-Space issues are real issues affecting real people. We're living in a time of unprecedented change on Earth and in space.

-Connectivity is changing; satellite networks continue to operate regardless of what's happening on the ground.

On the Government Role & Objectives in Space

-I've been asked to give you an overview of US Government efforts of civil SSA and Space Traffic coordination from the vantage point of our Administration objectives and priorities.


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