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AMOS SSA Policy Forum

AMOS SSA Policy Forum | U.S. Progress on Civil SSA and STM


-Richard DalBello

-Barbara Golf

-Travis Blake

-Travis Langster

Richard DalBello

On Government Staffing and Recruitment

-Our goal is to next year, 2024, is to have a staff of about 50 […] we are going to be looking for a program manager for the tracks program and as well as operations folks.

On the Collaboration between Agencies

-We couldn’t be where we are without both DOD and NASA… the primary issue we’re focusing on is the transfer of data from DOD to the Commerce.

On Development and Roll-out Plans

-The program will be rolled out in phases… deliver the first instantiation of this system by the fourth quarter of 2024.

On Space Sustainability and International Environment

-A broader issue of space sustainability means a lot of things to a lot of different people… there is a focus, a general World focus on how we are managing large constellations.

-The international environment and the broader issue of space sustainability means a lot of things to a lot of different people [...] we are where those principles meet their application.

On Policy, Regulation, and Implementation

-Taking those principles and grounding them in the reality of spaceflight so we are where those principles meet their application.

On Commercial Interests and MarketPlace Dynamics

-We want to rely to the maximum extent possible on the tools that the commercial industry has developed… hopeful that those tools are grounded not just in our purchasing but also in an actual commercial marketplace.

On International Collaboration and Global Concerns

-There’s tremendous interest globally in this topic… it’s something that we do spend a fair amount of resources on International.

-There's tremendous interest globally in this topic [...] I could imagine a future world where there were more direct regulations of Space Traffic.

On Support and Impact on the Industry

-The relationship that we have with the defense and intelligence community and the dialogue with industry has allowed us to safely move forward, allowing the industry to be competitive while taking care of the core interests of the United States.

-I think that is the power of a good partnership between the industry and government

On Interdepartmental Collaborations

-We couldn't be where we are without both DOD and NASA [...] the primary issue we're focusing on is the transfer of data from DOD to the Commerce.

On Phased Rollout of Programs

-The program will be rolled out in phases [...] one will start in q420. We will follow that where we'll look at the issue of reentry management.

On Partnerships: Government and Industry

-The relationship that we have with the defense and intelligence community and the dialogue with industry has allowed us to safely move forward [...] that is the power of a good partnership between the industry and government.

Travis Langster

On Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer

-We've been partnering ever since [...] their partnering also consists of not just the mission or data transfer but the knowledge transfer. The DOD has [...] lots of National Treasures at their disposal, and so we want to make sure the Commerce is able to leverage that experience.

On Optimization of Resource Allocation

-This transfer of responsibility is an opportunity to ensure that DOD is devoting most of its energy and precious resources to inherently military missions.

On Transition & Adaptation to Modern Dynamics

-It's also a golden opportunity to transition away from DOD's Legacy systems and information provided to meet the needs of the new Dynamic that's happening in space.

On Balancing Commercial and Governmental Tools

-Department of Commerce employing commercial tools and software for analysis and verification tasks and doing that in a way that the system is utilizing government tools and software only when not available commercially.

-I think that is the power of a good partnership between the industry and government.

On International Standards & Competitiveness

-We don't want to compete with the commercial sector; we want to offer only a basic safety service, but we have to be on par with all of our International Colleges.

On International Collaboration & Integration

-We have international engagements, bilateral engagements, we have multilateral relations as well, and we're working towards identifying where we can not only leverage but where we can integrate our International.

On Information Sharing & Domain Understanding

-Information sharing is foundational and being able to understand the domain from both sides, the commercials, NASA, Commerce, we're all operators of the domain and being able to have a good assessment.

On Innovation & Creative Solutions

-It doesn't necessarily have to be necessarily a specific capability, a creative idea, innovation, geography, whatever the case may be, but we have to have that engagement and understanding to really fully appreciate what a partner could bring to this mission.

-It's something that we do spend a fair amount of resources on International, and it's something that we intend to be working closely with our colleagues and State Department.

On Threat Identification & Assessment

-Being able to DOD focus on the inherently military missions such as threat identification, assessment, and protection and defensive high-value assets.

On Commercial and Government Symbiosis

-Where can we plug in commercial to where can we integrate commercial as part of the architecture for the same reason being able to increase resilience.

On Focus on Space Sustainability and Policy

-Which is the international environment, and the broader issue of space sustainability means a lot of things to a lot of different people at the policy level.

On Adherence to Timelines and Project Phases

-The Congress asked us to deliver the first instantiation of this system by the fourth quarter of 2024 so we will be doing that.

Barbara Golf

On Integration of Commercial Capabilities and Innovations

-We have been able to successfully begin to incorporate commercial SDA analytics and data into our operations, fully supportive of the initiatives to make sure that we're bringing commercial capabilities in their innovation into space traffic coordination.

On Continuous Learning and Improvement

-We’ve done this three times, we’re on our third version of a commercial operation… a lot of folks focus on what's the best, the answer is there is no best… everyone's got their own kind of niche expertise.

On Ensuring Safety and Fostering Commercial Innovation

-I'm really hoping that what we focus on is what is the bare minimum required for space flight safety… this enables all industries to then grow into that space… we're trying to figure out what's the right way to be safe in the Global Commons without overrunning or destroying any aspect of that Global Commons.

-To make sure that we're bringing commercial capabilities in their Innovation into space traffic coordination, enable all industries to then grow into that space.

On Balancing Commercial Interests and Government Involvement

-Government shouldn't be picking a side with industries, it prevents wasteful spending of national taxpayer resources subsidizing one part of a market over another.

On Focusing on Future Challenges and Sustainability

-We do not want to be optimized for only today, we have problems coming up in the future very quickly, we're going to need help in order to start closing some of these gaps.

On Valuing High-Quality Data and Basic Service Provision

-Really high-quality commercial SSA data or models… the government could buy extensive and exquisite and then turn around and use a portion of that to provide what is a basic service to avoid crowding out commercial innovation services.

On International Collaboration and Inclusivity

-We have Australia, Canada, Brazil, France, Britain, Israel, NATO, New Zealand, Poland, Ukraine all trained for command and control operations on this floor globally… folks are welcome to join us we're already starting. We already have these sorts of international activities going on with commercials.

On Adaptation and Evolution of Strategies

-The way the DOD has done it in the past is not necessarily the best way to do this in the future… We will look at how to continue to do that cooperatively with our partners.

On Navigating Complexities in Data and Analytics

-There is no single one, and always, always have the ability to tactically look at both precision and accuracy…don’t come down to a single answer.

On Facilitation of Information Sharing

-Information sharing is foundational in being able to characterize something that can be attributed to a specific action is to the benefit of all of us… being able to understand the domain from both sides.

On the Necessity for Multiple Perspectives and Solutions

-Everyone's got their own kind of niche expertise as we look at this, we shouldn't be afraid to have more, not less…don't come down into a single answer, there is no single one.

-We have problems coming up in the future very quickly, we're going to need help in order to start closing some of these gaps, who's going to help us provide the data and analytics for tomorrow's challenges.

On Importance of Public and Private Sector Synergy

-We need to make sure that we're bringing commercial capabilities in their Innovation into space traffic coordination…we can help learn how to do that at a crawl, walk, run for the documentation.

On Prudent Use of Resources and Avoiding Wasteful Expenditure

-This prevents wasteful spending of national taxpayer resources subsidizing one part of a market over another government isn't involved more than it has to be and enables space for commercial innovation.

Travis Blake

On Strategic Planning for Sustainable Operations

-From a larger perspective of safe and sustainable operations with the International Space Station, we're going to be working on services.

On Acquisition and Rapid Adaptation

-We have some rather rapid acquisition vehicles… to kind of understand what we can do with commercials.

On Value and Accountability

-I tend to look at it as the best value for the American taxpayer… if you're a vendor and you are not performing for whatever reason I want the flexibility of super innovation.

On Commercial Partnerships and Innovation

-We are trying to look to see what we can do to foster competition… we're looking to buy not just data but services.

On Commercial Authenticity and Viability

-What we want is products that you are selling that others are using that are not inside the United States government, we're trying to do a true commercial.

On Utilization of Modern Technology

-We have this beautiful cloud computing and we can start with that from the beginning… how do you incorporate AI or ML in order to help out or operators and do other things.

On Research and Development for Sustainability

-How is NASA thinking about research and development against that broader sustainability problem… loose coordination between all of the SSA STCSTM space sustainability researchers within the United States.

On Collaboration and Coordination

-We are setting up a process inside NASA with a Joint NASA NOAA Commerce Advisory Board… better loose coordination between all of the SSA ST CSTM space sustainability researchers within the United States.

On Evaluation and Practical Implementation

-We now have what this community has been missing for a long time, which are evaluation for those R&D… don't tell me, show me.

On Expanding Stakeholder Engagement

-I think every year we see the stakeholder pool growing dramatically… it's an extraordinarily complex enterprise and we see that just among the panel here.

On the Importance of True Commercial Products

-What we want is products that you are selling, others are using that are not inside the United States government, if nobody else is using it then it's not really commercial it's just the capability that might meet our need.

On Future Orientation and Proactiveness

-We do not want to be optimized for only today. We have problems coming up in the future very quickly, we’re going to need help in order to start closing some of these gaps.

On Balancing Interests and Market Fairness

-We’re not here to give anybody a free ride. It prevents wasteful spending of national taxpayer resources subsidizing one part of a market over another.

On Space Traffic Coordination and Safety

-Fully supportive of the initiatives to make sure that we're bringing commercial capabilities in their innovation into space traffic coordination.

On Maintaining Service Quality and Standards

-The quality of the basic service that’s going to be provided, there can be a delta between those and the government could buy extensive and exquisite and then turn around and use a portion of that

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