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AFRL SB Hub: USSF Mission & Small Biz Opportunites

16- 17-Aug-2023


Ms. Joy White, Executive Director, USSF Space Systems Command (SSC)

Mr. Reggie Shelby, Small Business Director, SpOC

Mr. Adam Bernas, Director of Business Operations, 460 CONS, Buckley Space Force Base

Col. Owen Stephens, Director of Contracting, Space RCO

Aaron Parra, Director Small Business Programs, SSC, USSF

Stephen Song, Chief, A&AS Division, SSC/DSQ

Marco Mendez, Director of Business Operations, SSC 45 CONS

Lt. Col. Nicholas Spear, Commander, SSC 30 CONS

Kameke Mitchell, Chief of Contracts COMOS, SSC/CMK

Capt. Cody Bronkar, SpaceWERX, SSC/SZ

Maj. Phil Duddles, Program Manager, SpEC, SSC/SZII


Ms. Joy White, Executive Director, USSF Space Systems Command (SSC)

On Innovations in Space Technology

-The innovation and technological drive that all of you represent is our competitive advantage. Thank you all for being here today.

-We can maintain the technological edge by leveraging the incredible innovation that all of you are developing as well as that of our allies and mission partners.

On Rising Global Competition

-Our adversaries are not slowing down and they are looking for every opportunity and every Advantage they can to deny us and our partners.

On Strategic Endurance

-As the chief of space operations, General Saltzman has said, “we need to adopt a strategic mindset of competitive endurance in order to prevail in this new era."

On Space Superiority and Responsibility

-We must prepare to achieve space superiority via responsible counter space campaign... and ensuring any counter space activities don't inflict damage on orbit.

On Focus on Immediate Threats

-We've shifted our workforce culture to be laser focused on the threat.

-Remaining in that competitive state is preferable to the alternative state of a crisis of conflict.

-2026 is quickly approaching and our workforce has adopted a sense of urgency.

On Leveraging Commercial Capabilities

-Exploiting what we have is the cheapest and fastest way to deploy new capabilities in the space domain.

On the Importance of Collaboration w/ Industry

-The commercial space office is the space force organization that enables us to understand and openly engage industry to solve government challenges and opportunities.

-Space works is our small business Innovative research and strategic financing hub that so far has awarded $227 million dollars.

On Planning for the Future

-2026 is quickly approaching and our workforce has adopted a sense of urgency.

On Rapid Progress of Adversaries

-Just last month a private Chinese company launched the world's first methane liquid oxygen rocket... our adversaries are not slowing down and they are looking for every opportunity and every advantage.

On Preparedness and Awareness

-We must be able to avoid operational surprise by having a clear picture of our operational environment in space

On Resilience through Space Architecture

-We must deny the first mover advantage in space by building a proliferated space architecture.

On Cooperation among Nations

-We can achieve this by joining with like-minded nations and confronting those that choose to act irresponsibly in space.


Mr. Reggie Shelby, Small Business Director, SpOC

Shelby highlights the main aspects and objectives related to small businesses, acquisitions, operations, and overall engagement with the industry.

On Support and Advocacy for Small Businesses

-We have a small But Mighty Cadre of small business Champions that will help you and assist you in understanding where you may fit in our portfolio of contracts.

-In 22 we worked with over 400 small businesses… 100 women in small businesses… 80 disabled veterans small businesses.

-Engage with industry that we found very beneficial. We call it the 33 plan… working with our small businesses to help you meet your goals when it comes to supporting space operations.

-These are small business Champions and their contact information we're standing ready to assist with any questions you may have please feel free to reach out to one of our team members.

On Space Force Acquisitions and Contracting

-Originates out of the space acquisition integration office… in total were about 200 acquisition professionals consisting of Contracting officers, program managers, financial and Technical experts.

-These are our locations of the installation supported by our four buying activities in Colorado Springs.

Acquisition Process:

-We also have three contracting squadrons: the 21st, the 50th and the 460th Contracting squadrons.

-On average our buying activities management dollars are awarded to small businesses.

-This depicts categories of purchases of the major customer service contracts it takes to support the base or as we call it base support in our big Heavy Hitters are major operations and maintenance contracts.

On Space Operations Missions and Systems

-When you think of Spock it helps to think of Radars, telescopes, and satellites… SpOC uses these systems to perform the mission areas listed here.

-For example our Radars and satellites support our missile warning and missile tracking missions.

On Acquisition Categories and Expenditure

-Enter the SpoC Enterprise as you might expect. Sports largest spend is associated with a 5-4 next sector which is professional scientific and Technical Services.

-Followed by the 5 one day that blue there these are requirements primarily in support of our spot Mission contracts.

On Construction and Infrastructure

-We have about a 53 million construction program… This program is reacquired on the next slide. Please okay this slide list several topics related to frequently asked questions we receive regarding how we may acquire these types of Commodities and services.

On Operational Locations:

-The installations include you can see from your left to your right that shy Mountain space force station Peterson and Schriever space force base and the start- up in Denver Colorado depicts the location of Buckley space force space.

On Spending Areas:

-SpoCs largest spin as associated with a 5-4 next sector is professional scientific and Technical Services.

-Then followed by the eight one of the services 33 manufacturing 56 which is that men and support is related to healthcare Food Services education and transportation.


Mr. Adam Bernas, Director of Business Operations, 460 CONS, Buckley Space Force Base

Bernas provides a comprehensive view of the importance of Buckley, and the significance of small businesses in achieving their mission.

On Buckley Space Force Base’s Size and Operational Role

-So first a little bit about Buckley, we are a small unit; a small But Mighty is Reggie also said, "This is us, this is the team’.

-We do operational Contracting here so it's very vital that we have small business supporters.

-Our ongoing contracts are some of those typical to your operational bases… Everything we do in this office is to keep the base running in space.

-If you ever come by Aurora and you see about 12 giant golf balls about 60 stories tall, that is Buckley.

-We have a number of giant domes that house Radars, those Radars communicate with satellites in space.

On Engagement with Small Businesses

-When it comes to small businesses, we do almost 100% of our actions in small businesses.

-So getting into the small business portion of my job… I work almost exclusively with you all and it is super rewarding to be able to see these smaller companies agile, flexible, eager and just trying to find their way.

-When I took over in this position a few years ago we were at just under or just at 90% of our dollar spent going to small businesses.

On Positive Experiences with Small Businesses

-I see a lot of the differences and benefits of working with small businesses.

-Have a small business POC with one call, one text, one email, responsive, happy to be working with the government.

-My experience has been almost nothing but positive and it's, yeah, it keeps the base running and I can't be happier.

-It is super rewarding to be able to see these smaller companies agile, flexible, eager.

On Operational Functionality and Key Responsibilities

-We do operational Contracting here so it's very vital that we have small business supporters.

-On this base, we have Radars that discuss things with stuff in outer space, stuff outside of mine.


Col. Owen Stephens, Director of Contracting, Space RCO

Col. Stephens details that this organization within the Space Force is keenly interested in working with agile, innovative companies, including small businesses. The organization values feedback and looks to improve their processes, and they offer various avenues for engagement.

Organizational Overview and Role

-We are one of three acquisition organizations in the Space Force.

-Stationed in Albuquerque, New Mexico at Kirtland Air Force Base.

-The mission is to rapidly deliver first-of-kind operational space capabilities based on emerging threats.

On Contracting Authorities and Procedures

-Recently got the designation of "head of Contracting activity" for space RCO.

-We have several authorities including Small Business Advocacy and OTAs (Other Transaction Authorities).

-Our office was initiated just about four years ago and they have a track record of moving fast on programs.

On Engaging with Small Businesses

-We have a deep interest in innovation, with a realization that commercial industry often leads in this space.

-We seek systems rather than components or individual technologies.

-We are interested in moving at a pace faster than traditional government acquisitions, which might pose challenges for small businesses.

-We have a unique challenge event called "Hyperspace Challenge" for innovative solutions.

On Contracting and Business Opportunities

-We frequently publish requests for information (RFIs) and encourage feedback from industry.

-There is a barrier in terms of communication since much of our documentation might be classified, and businesses need the right kind of systems in place to communicate and do business with us.

-We have awarded about 40% of their contracts to small businesses, which is unusual for their type of major systems work.


Jeff Mellott, Director, Small Business Programs, AFMC/SB

Mellott closes out speaking on the significance of maintaining clear communication channels, particularly for small businesses that want to work with this organization in the Space Force. Here are the key points from the given excerpt:

Email Communication:

-There is an emphasis on the need for an email address to facilitate communication, despite pushback that it might be difficult to monitor. The response suggests that monitoring will not be a significant challenge given the small turnover of their small business professionals.

-The idea is that when one professional leaves, they can replace them and update the email recipient, ensuring continuity.

Websites and Resources:

-There's mention of a valuable website that they are in the process of updating. This website is presumably a resource for potential partners or businesses wanting to engage with the organization.

-They are attending an event (or conference) and have set up a booth for further interaction. -There's encouragement for attendees to visit their booth.

Future Presentation:

-There's anticipation for intriguing topics to be discussed in a subsequent session, particularly from SSE. Eric and Aaron are highlighted as significant contributors.

Introduction of Aaron:

Aaron Parra, Director Small Business Programs, SSC, USSF

SSC Small Business Office

-Myself and my deputy Matthew Chartier. We just had a full turnover. We are all brand new and we have two vacant positions. We’re building this from scratch. We have a big challenge ahead of us.

-We review all AQ across all SSC currently. We advise AQ teams. SSC includes us in the integrated procurement teams to make sure we provide opportunities to the industrial base.

FY22 SB Dollars

-This is the largest dollar amount we have ever dedicated to small business for every category. Spend = $9,387,821,255. This shows SSC is becoming a lot more friendly to small business.

Top Expenditures by NAICS FY22

-Construction, we do 1% construction but that dollar amount is more than SpOC’s. Our 1% is very significant.

FY23 Goals

-Vandenberg and Patrick have a lot more small business than SSC HQ.

-As of 01 Aug, we’re a little short but we do have a lot of spend coming up in the 4th quarter. It should get us up close. We knew this year would be a challenge however I still think it’s achievable.

Engagement Efforts

-SSC has gone through a transformation process. They have some initiatives to fine tune their processes. I believe they are going to be relaunching sometime soon.

-SpEC, SpaceWERX

Engaging With US

-Get added to the vendor database

-Learn about upcoming opportunities

-Ask questions about specific RFIs

-Assistance with contracting or 310-653-1108

Find Us At

-Space Industry Days OCT 2023

-Space Symposium APR 2024

-Navy Gold Coast AUG 2024

FY24 Focus Areas

-Outreach events

-Strengthen partnerships with local Apex Accelerators

-Develop better requirements forecasts

-Increase communication with industry

-Focus on subcontracting opportunities

-Provide training to the SSC contracting workforce on the SB program in order to promote and increase SB opportunities

-Reduce small business barriers to entry at SSC

-Perform targeted outreach to minority and women’s industry council


Stephen Song, Chief, A&AS Division, SSC/DSQ


-We need to provide AQ advisory support to SSC.

-Establish and manage SSC’s Advisory & Assistance Services (A&AS) programs IAW program AQ Strategies and Requirements Approval Documents (RADs)

-What’s the best way we can acquire these services?

Main Programs

-SSC Admin and Financial Support-2 (SAFS-2)

-PoP: Dec 17- Jun 29 (Ordering Period = Dec 17-Jun 24, Execution Period = Dec 17-Jun 29

-22 Task orders in execution

-5 Task orders in pre-award

-SSC Technical Support-3 (STS-3)

-PoP: Nov 19-Nov 29 (Ordering Period = Nov 19- Jun 24, Execution Period= Nov 19-Jun 29)

-8 Taks orders in execution


Marco Mendez, Director of Business Operations, SSC 45 CONS

Capabilities We Provide

-Small business assistance

-Review and sign DD2579s

-Provide training to 45 CONS


-Commander is Lt. Col. Neal Wall

-I have 101 personnel, 11 military/ 90 civilians

-We touch SLD 45 priorities, initiatives, units

-Obligate >$260M/FY. Already obligated $425M to date

Major Small Business Contracts

-Space Coast Multiple Award Construction Contract

-Fire Protection, Emergency Management & Emergency Medical Service

-Cape Launch Operations and Infrastructure Support

-Eastern Western Operational Communications Services

-Ascension Base Operations Support

-Pad Safety

-Biggest opportunity right now is construction


Lt. Col. Nicholas Spear, Commander, SSC 30 CONS

SLD 30 Mission

-Command the Western Range, launch satellites, test missiles

-The threat we’re defending against, that’s why we’re all here and why we’re doing what we’re doing. It really takes all of us to get after that.

Squadron Snapshot

-We’re hiring if you know someone with contracting experience.

-72 assigned and 8 vacancies

-Contract Execution, 789 actions values at $175.5M (FY22) and 406 actions valued at $103.5M (FY23)

Long Range AQ Forecast

-377 FLTS Launch Systems Support, current kt end date 31 Dec 2024

-Corrosion Control, current kt end date 30 Nov 2023

-Simplified AQ Base Engineering Requirement IDIQ, current kt end date 17 Nov 2024

-Multiple Award Construction Contract IDIQ, current kt end date 14 May 2025

-Geolocation Global Support Services, current kt end date 30 Nov 2024

-SpOC-W CFSCC Professional & Tech Services, current kt end date 01 Dec 23

-1 DOS Space Guardian Training Support, current kt end date new req


Kameke Mitchell, Chief of Contracts COMOS, SSC/CMK


-Deliver effective, efficient, and resilient capabilities to the warfighter quickly and affordably through partnering with the commercial space industry.

-We’re expanding partnerships on several capabilities. We have a lot we’re doing here.

-We’re integrated with all of our PEOs and combatant commands.

Commercial Opportunities for Space Capabilities

-Commercial SATCOM is our most mature mission set.

-ALT PNT, Tactical ISR, Resilient MW/MT

-We’re also working to get after SDA, weather, AATS, OSAM…

-We are buying what we can. We’re looking at any opportunities from any level as far as ‘buy what you can’ standpoint

-We have Front Door, SDA Marketplace, Commercial SATCOM Office, CASR, SpaceWERX. It’s really exciting.

Near Term Efforts

-p LEO Space based services contract awarded July 16 with $900M face value

-TacSRT platforms deployment to AFRICOM expected summer 23, INDOPACOM to follow

-Interagency-USSF first time add to NRO/NSA

-COSMIC established 06 June 2023

2023 Outreach Schedule

-TacSRT Reverse Industry Day TBD and planning

-OTTI Reverse Industry Day Fall 2023 TBD

-Weather Reverse Industry Day Fall 2023 TBD

-International Reverse Industry Day Fall 2023 TBD in Chantilly

-Space Industry Day 19-20 Oct, LA

NRO Partnership

-We want to make sure we aren’t duplicating efforts. If the NRO is already getting after something, we leverage each other. We attempted to deconflict and not duplicate.

Front Door

-We are rolling out a new platform and it will be a lot more user friendly. I know the email box has not been working and has been shut off. As of last Friday, it was back on.

-We did have people hired and it was a volunteer job. We now have people hired specifically for it.

-If you are not getting a response, connect with Aaron and he will send it out to the office it’s supposed to go to.


Capt. Cody Bronkar, SpaceWERX, SSC/SZ


-SPARK is the tactical partnership arm

-Ventures is the industrial partnership arm

-Prime is the strategic partnership arm

Strategy: Capital as a Capability

-We drive investments through open topic, specific topic, and stratfi/tacfi.

-Open topic is traditional, with generic parameters.

-Specific topic seeks innovation solutions for a particular problem set defined by a DAF end user or customer such as the SECAF’s Operational Imperatives

-STRATFI- Strategic Funding Increase Program. TACFI Tactical Funding Increase Program. This is our big bet, a more strategic investment link.


-Phase I is feasibility study

-Phase II is prototype


-Phase III is transition

Valley of Death

-This is a phrase we try and use as our thesis for implementing our strategy. We try to go at speed. We have limited resources on the contracting side.

-When we talk about Valley of Death and companies sit in the portfolio, that is why we’re heavy on gaining support from orgs that have money.

-We encourage conversations to be initiated and getting priorities set early so orgs can pom for dollars.


Maj. Phil Duddles, Program Manager, SpEC, SSC/SZII


-SpEC OTA exists to minimize barriers to entry for nontraditional defense contractors with innovative capabilities that would benefit the DOD space community through space prototype development.

What Membership Offers

-Gain exclusive access to opportunities to collaborate, network, and team on technology solutions

-Access proprietary tools, apps, and events to gain knowledge and insight on Government AQ methodologies, procedures, and technology needs

-Increase engagement and network with key government technology offices



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