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AFA - Saltzman Keynote Address

12 Sept 2023 Keynote Address- State of the Space Force Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Chief of Space Operations Mission Statement: -Space domain is more contested than any point in history. We were created for this new space era. With this in mind I asked our guardians to take a look at our mission statement. -Secure our nation’s interest in, from, and to space. It clearly reflects our purpose. These nine words, though simple, are packed with clarification. -‘Secure’ it’s used here in the military sense. -‘our nation’ reflect that we are deeply connected and committed to defending it -‘interests’ America’s interests in space are immense and growing -‘in, from, and to space’ these are core functions of the SF. -Each service much be able to control its domain. The ability to contest the domain with military force is the purpose of a service. With space superiority, guardians will protect our interests from space. -‘from’ Once AF has control of air domain it can add support. It’s a prerequisite. For the space force we exploit the domain. -‘to’ ensuring we have the ability to launch into orbit and being able to control and connect to the ground. Assured access is the ‘to’ in the mission statement. -I want to invite each guardian to see their place in the mission statement. It helps identify the training, equipment, and decisions we’ll need to make. It allows us as a service to be laser focused on a purpose built SF. Four LEOs -SF establishment was a critical threat. We must focus our efforts for great power competition. -We know we need new outcomes and we must invest our time, energy, and efforts. -We’re going back to basics. Four lines of efforts, we’ll need to be successful in this era. -We need a new force design, development, generate, employ… First Design -This is the blueprint of capabilities. As we design our forces we must emphasize adaptability and versatility. -We need to better integrate commercial space. SF wants to harness these efforts. We want to take full advantage of the capacity and tech refresh rates. -SWAC is conducting detailed analysis to assess the architectures we need for success. Force Development -This is the process and refining of our capabilities. Wargaming, training, knowledge, skills, tools, experiences. -It’s about fostering a culture of continuous improvement. -Educational opportunities for guardians. We created a program where guardians will be educated by professors and intermixed. Students will be taught by military officials. John Hopkins, this is the first of its kind. Force Generation -Assembling and organizing space forces. Ensuring we have the people, skills, and resources when needed. -This guarantees that we can rapidly respond to crisis. -SF has come to realize that to be effective SF must align authority and resources for unit readiness. -There are no perfect organizational structures but the key is to maximize performance around what matters most. We cannot afford to split critical activities across organizational seems. -Integrated Mission Deltas, mission areas under a single commander. Prototypes. Both of these Deltas create unity of command. Force Employment -Combination of them all. Military power to achieve our nation’s interests. This began with standing up service components in regional commands. -In December we will stand up a component for European Command and African Command. These are foundational processes. -It’s important that we continue to mature and develop. Guardians -We’re living in complex strategic times. Access to and use of space is fundamental to modern warfare. It’s about the readiness of the forces to use technology and tip the scales towards success. -I’m not worried at all because of our amazing guardians. -Guardian One, mobile application. Four guardian super coders spent six weeks and delivered the first mobile application created force guardians by guardians. -In order to continue building our service, I need guardians who will challenge the status quo. Guardians that are problem solvers. I know you’re up to it. [End]


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