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AFA Day 2 - Keynote Address w/ Adm. Christopher W. Grady

13 Sept 2023

AFA Keynote Address- Sharpening our Competitive Edge: Connecting the Joint Warfighting Concept to Warfighting Capabilities

11:05am-11:35am ET


-Adm. Christopher W. Grady, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

On Strategic Competition & Readiness

-There is an enduring nature to the strategic competition that we must manage.

-This is the challenge to all of us and should bring a Clarity of purpose as if every day was the last day of peace.

-A future-facing organization by design, the competencies of the space force enhance our domain awareness, our communications, everything that we do, amplifying and supporting the capabilities of our collective efforts.

On Collaboration and Integration

-The challenges that we face now that we will continue to face into the future transcend the ability to address alone. We will win by integrating all of our nation's strengths.

-The JWC encapsulates our best thinking on how the United States and its allies and partners can mitigate and defeat military threats from peer adversaries and others.

-We will not only fight from the outside... by with and through our large network of allies and partners, a true competitive advantage.

On Technological Advancement in Warfare

-It is an absolute imperative that our warfighters, our technology, and our strategic strategies... in this era of multi-domain warfare.

-The National Security strategy, the national defense strategy, and the National military strategy therefore outline what that nation expects the military instrument of power to achieve.

-The development and deployment of the Coronas program satellite surveillance enhanced our intelligence capabilities with high-resolution imagery and advanced analytics.

On the Air Force's Role

-The department of the Air Force makes essential contributions to our homeland defense... ensures it is prepared to deter aggression and if called upon to fight and to win.

-The Department of Defense projects hard power across the globe, and the Department of the Air Force is a big part of that.

-In this era of multi-domain Warfare, the department of the Air Force makes essential contributions.

-The department of the Air Force delivers effects out to the very edge in nearly all of our warfighting domains, wherever the mission demands.

On the Role of Joint Warfighting Concept

-The Joint Force requires ready, responsive, lethal, and resilient Air and Space components.

-It is the joint warfighting concept that provides the how... it informs our department-wide operations, activities, and investments.

-The challenges we face on our Horizon demand joint Solutions.

-Enable The Joint Force to seize critical opportunities in this coming decisive decade.

On Analytical and Reflective Approach

-What emerged then is a concept that serves as an analytical engine for the Department to delve deeply into current capabilities to understand red capabilities and intentions.

On the Evolution of Air Power

-Through multiple iterations from reconnaissance to dogfighting to the first American aerial bombing with the 96th Aero Squadron, a few decades later the Army Air Corps made their mark over the skies of Europe and the vast expanse of the Pacific.

On Versatility and Adaptability

-These operations serve not only as a testament to the unmatched capabilities of the United States Air Force but also highlight its ability to adapt and respond to dynamic and multifaceted threats around the globe.

On Space Force

-In 2019, the establishment of the space force marked space as a distinctive and critical warfighting domain.

On Continuous Improvement in the Joint Force

-A joint force that strengthens and accelerates the cycle of concept development, experimentation, and wargaming, exercising and training, and modeling and simulation to constantly improve our collective interoperability and our lethality.

-This starts with a joint force that must sense and make sense of our extended battle space by fusing information from space, air, and terrestrial centers.

-Today the JWC stands as a unifying Vision to guide future Force design, Force development, and Force employment... The central idea of the JWC calls for expanded maneuver of our Joint Force across physical and temporal Dimensions.

On Joint Fires and Tactical Execution

-Joint fires including anti-surface and precision strike give our Joint Force the flexibility to employ all domain fires with mass in a manner that the adversary cannot predict or disrupt.


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