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AFA Air, Space, & Cyber Conference: Building the Warfighting Mindset

11 Sept 2023 AFA Air, Space, & Cyber Conference Building the Warfighting Mindset Lt. Gen. John P. Healy, Chief of Air Force Reserve Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson, Commander, Air Education and Training Command Maj. Gen. Daniel Tulley, Vice Director for Joint Force Development, Joint Staff Brig. Gen. Timothy A. Sejba, Commander, Space Training and Readiness Command Moderator: Kirk Rieckhoff, Co-Leader, McKinsey & Company’s Aerospace & Defense Practice in the Americas Building the Warfighter Mindset Sejba: -Although SF is only four years old, we’ve been a part of the mindset for over 40 years. -We’re focused on a threat that continues to grow and have only been able to talk about the last five years. We’re working to continue the support and continuing space supremacy. -Training, doctrine, test, evaluation we’re doing all of this to ensure guardians have the warfighting mindset. -Sense of urgency. That’s a key theme that I’ve seen throughout the years. A sense of urgency to create a resilient architecture. That’s driving AQ. As we look at a sense of urgency, how do we field quickly? -STARCOM, we’re looking at different ways for how we test and evaluate. -Red threat and kill chains, again, areas that we now have to do this for across the various services and domains, including the space domain. How do we test and train to be ready to operate in this contested domain? Tulley: -Innovation, we see that throughout AF. We often still see stovepipes of excellence however. I attribute that to the structures we operate within. -How do we integrate more tightly to train like we fight? The bottom line always comes down to integration. -How do we make joint first? How do we strike the correct balance? Doing More of/Less of Sejba: -STARCOM, we’re working to integrate and really start to train as we look at the threats of the future. There’s a lot of great capability that has to come together. -Ruthless prioritization, Saltzman said. Looking forward at the threat and understanding what is absolutely most important to prepare, we’re going to have to have ruthless prioritization to make sure we’re doing the right things. Advice to Build Mindset Sebja: -Delegation down and empowerment is absolutely critical. We need everyone focused on what they can do and taking the lead when they can. -Mission command is foundational to the warfighter mindset as we go forward. [End] Keynote Address- Accelerating Readiness for Great Power Competition Frank Kendall, Secretary of the Air Force Nomination Holds and Message to Congress -Our airmen and guardians do not have confirmed permanent leadership. This is a situation that one senator has created for us. -US senators take an oath. Lift the blanket hold you have on service members and allow them to receive their well earned promotions. -We need these people in the leadership positions they are assigned to. -USSC...... we need the basing money to continue our missions...... -Do not shut down. -Do not put us under a resolution for the first part of the fiscal year. -Do not extend any CR beyond December. -Do not trigger temporary cuts. This will limit modernization and our ability to compete with China. To Gen Charles Brown and CMSgt Towberman -CMSgt Roger Towberman, you’re legendary. You have created a culture of excellence. Thank you. -CQ, I’m proud to call you a friend and colleague. Our nation and our military need your guidance, leadership, and wisdom. Threats -China is by far our pacing challenge. Acute threat is Russia. AF and SF will continue to deter. Airmen and guardians along with allies and partners continue to deter aggression across the globe but China is the pacing challenge. -China created two new military services. It has substantially increased the PLA. Strategic support forces are working to achieve dominance in space and cyber domains. -China has been building capabilities specifically designed to achieve their goals. -War is not inevitable. Recent history has shown sometimes deterrence can and does sometimes fail. Operational Imperatives -We started work immediately. We’ve continued this work and expanded it as we’ve learned more. -This is normal. We have a well resources adversary that’s showing no signs of slowing down. Even though they’re experiencing serious economic problems, this does not mean they won’t be aggressive. -We've been waiting for Congress to act on our budget. -Our way forward is well defined. Reoptimizing DAF -AF and SF are incredibly capable but we need to reoptimize. As I visited units and bases, it’s become clear change is needed in almost all areas. -We need to be open to major changes in order to properly deter and if deterrence fails, win. -Many needed changes are already on their way. On Friday I approved three new air task forces. -We have two current military proposals submitted to Congress. We’re working to initiate our highest programs that cannot be affected by a CR or budget delays. -Second, SF Personnel Management Act. We want to thank the House and Senate for their support. -DAF senior leaders will continue to do a broad review of how to reoptimize how we organize, train, and equip. The goal is to identify and begin execution by Jan 2024. This will be conducted by five teams. They’ll conduct major lines of efforts. One will focus on how we’re organized, Second, how we’re equipped. Third, personnel. Fourth will look at readiness. Fifth will examine how we provide support. All of these will be closely guided by senior leaders. -We’re all talking about the fact that AF and SF must change to win future wars. Recent Letter Marking Two Years and Moving Forward -China is preparing for a war with the US. Again war is not inevitable. Our job is to deter that war and be ready to win if deterrence fails. This is what my letter is trying to say. -It’s your initiative, professionalism, and dedication that gives us an advantage. -I will continue to fight for all of you. [End]


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